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"Times up, Alpha dearest." With a final leap, Joshua landed on top of Sam, the heel of his foot shattering the jaw of the horse sized wolf before him. There would no doubt be screaming and cursing if the Shifter was human, and there would be no doubt a proud smirk upon Joshua's face upon doing so much damage with little to no force applied. He was proud of himself, though slightly disappointed at the fragility of his opponent in this one sided game of tag. "Prepare yourself to owe me in due time." He took a tiny Sunstone, shoving it down the throat of the wailing beast as Sam squirmed and howled. He heard little to no thoughts which lead him to believe the pitiful thing couldn't even think properly from the pain. Maybe he had overdone it this time around, but how else was he truly supposed to establish dominance if his enemies constantly thought he was easy to get rid of? He wanted fear, the respect he deserved and while he might get one, he knew the other would only be born out of the caution of the unknown.

"You'll heal up eventually, but don't keep thinking it's going to be easy to kill me. I'll hate to do this again but with a different section of your body." A passive aggressive pat on the head was given, blue eyes mischievously winking at the pained brown eyes of Sam. "And tell Jacob I expect to see him for his next lesson whether he's fully shifted or not. Education is quite important no matter what you are in this world." Upon Sam's snout the cut Sunstone took shape, burying itself into the sensitive skin and molding itself within the wet black flesh.

"B-Bastard." Sam groaned, his eyes blinking quickly and whether theta was from the pain of the crystal, or the kick was ignored by the creator.

"See, you can still talk." He checked his watch, four minutes left. "You're either already healing, or I didn't kick you that hard to begin with. Though once again, what you know nothing about will be mind whether you like it or not. Even if I must erase you and your gaggle of mutts to get it." He winked, waving goodbye as he jumped into the trees, his popular disappearing act occurring just seconds after the others appeared to check upon Sam.

"Damn." Paul snorted, "you didn't catch him, did you?"


"Alice drop me!" Edward was choking, the blood getting caught in his throat as Alice beat him in complete disorder. He was struggling to main himself since he knew the consequences of dying, but he couldn't do that being tossed around the way he was. He was going to bled out at this rate. "Like now!" He didn't know how long he had been hanging from Alice's shoulder, but his stomach was numb and so was his face. Anymore and his eyes were closing for good whether he liked it or not.

"Can't. Almost there." She was so close, with random twists and turns to keep the others behind her back long enough for her to periodically check her surroundings without having to worry about an ambush.

"You have too." Those two weren't going to give up and now that the dinner invite was passed up there was now a chance that they were going to kill Alice also and he didn't know if he could live himself if that happened. He wanted her alive just as much as he did with Bella...well not really, he would prefer Bella being alive, but he wouldn't do that to anyone in his family.

"Yeah, drop him!" In a moment of the slowest, Victoria managed to seize Edward by the hair, snatching him right from Alice's grip and flinging him onto the cold ground. Had had to pause for a second to gasp as she realized just how high of a drop that was. They were damn near four stories high and a fall like that would surely kill him since he lost so much blood. "See now wasn't that easy?" A cheeky grin was present on her face despite all the mud and leaves that littered it from the earlier attacks.

"Edward!" Alice just stared, she didn't know if Laurent got to him or what, but she worriedly continued to stare despite an enemy being not even a foot away from her, pissed and hungry.

"Don't worry too much about him, after we finish ripping your head off will take his also and his bitch." She picked mud from her nails, relaxed and happy at the mere chance of getting what she wanted after all this time, "we would've worked up quite the appetite after that." She didn't bother acknowledging the stiffness of the other vampire, her own clarity shining through as she relished in the glory of a winner.

"I'll kill you before that could happen." Her little futures of Edward were no more and the only thing that even came close to it was them standing at the funeral of both Edward and Bella. They wouldn't have anything to tell Charlie, and she didn't know what to say to Joshua, for she promised she could hold her own if push came to shove. She failed four people at the same time and that set heavy on her stomach.

"Oh? I'll say something all overly cocky and smart, but then I'll be like those stereotypical villains in those cheesy romance novels, so I'll just go with the next best thing." She took a quick glance down to where Edward fell and smiled, jumping onto the same branch so that they were chest to chest. "If you could kill me than I would've already been dead, and your brother would still be alive. I've already took a couple swipes out his face before he finally died out. Not as brutally as those other humans, but his heart stopping is enough for me and soon your immobile body would do it for you." She moved to wrap her arms around Alice's head, lacing her hands into her hair to make the grip much tighter and smoother for the process. Rarely ever had they needed to kill another vampire, but she was nothing but one of those stuck-up vampires that feasted upon animals anyone. Those vampires while fewer than the majority, always thought of themselves as better than the rest and removing them from the world would cause better than harm considering they wouldn't have to worry about such stuck-up bastards in the future anymore.

"You've suffered long enough in this world and me killing you would be doing you justice instead allowing you to continue such a pitiful life with guilt from being unable to save such a weakness." Pulled and while Alice wasn't in the right mind to properly think about the situation she was in, she knew that allowing Victoria to finish her off would do more damage than anything. She had a mate to live for and while Bella and Edward might be dead...or just Bella, she wasn't going to allow her family to suffer from her death either.

"Fuck you." With guilty eyes, she took one of Joshua's crystals and shoved it up the vampire's nose. The tiny thing was so deprived from energy she didn't think it would do much, but she felt the warmth leave her hands and right up into the nostril of the vampire who screeched in terror as the tiny rock logged itself into a position, she was unable to reach with her own fingers. "I got a mate to return to." Her hair was still locked up in her grip, but she took her hair into her hands also, leaning forward to snatch Victoria's head in an unusual way.

"Laurent!" Victoria screamed, her eyes had water a lot, and she wondered if this tiny rock had more to it for, she felt more pain than she should. Her nose felt like it was on fire and her tried hard to knock the pink rock out her nose with as much force as possible while still trying to hold back the tiny vampire, "Laurent your bastard helps me snatch this bitch's head off!" She tucked backwards and Alice tugged forward, the two of them were at a standstill and depending on who jumped from the depths of the woods, a life or two could be lost. A shifter, Laurent, or Joshua. 


YES! My inspiration is back, and I'm updating until I'm burned out! And what do you think Sam has to give up?😉


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