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"That's Swan's daughter?" The second he entered the car, his nails dung into the leather covering of his steering wheel, a flash of annoyance gracing over his face at the sound of her voice, "she looks pale for someone that lived somewhere sunny." The woman in the seat took no notice of this however, still curious about the young teen that stared back with her own sense of curiosity.

"Hush," He had no interest in listening to a monologue about how she felt about the presence of a new female in town, "I said I'll drive you back if you remain quiet, otherwise I'll put you out on the side of the road." He should've remained within the confines of his home today, not only was it dumb of him to leave, but he had decided that he was going to head to the school to pick up some extra paperwork that he had insisted to do later instead of at once like he usually would.

"You'll put a lady out in the middle of nowhere?" She huffed, a childish pout present on her face as she tried running her fingers along the side of his arm, "I could get eaten by some creature residing past those trees." She could get eaten by the very being she's sharing a vehicle with, but of course she would never know until the last minute.

"Hush, I won't say it again." He shook off her hands. There was no reason Julia was at the school on a weekend; did she have a husband? Some kids to look after, or hell even lunch to make? He guessed not, for she seemed to giddily be waiting in her office like she had expected him to come in that day with the simple claim that she had to finish some reports.

He didn't believe it even if there were papers currently in her hand because if she had so little to do then why did she allow her husband to just get up and leave her without a way to get home. It was suspicious but an underlying thought occurred to him that her husband probably didn't give a damn in the first place.

"The generations are losing their manners." an aggressive sign later, she had gone back to staring out the window of the tinted Lexus. These types of cars were never really seen in Forks and that was proven the second the Cullen's arrived with their new cars and Joshua with his luxurious one. It was the first time and hopefully not last time that Julia would ever be sitting inside one also, she had been pissed at first when she realized that she might've been left to rot by her husband, but obviously god favored her the most out of his other creations because the handsome young man known as Kim Joshua had arrived well before she called up one of her friends to pick her up.

Their going to be so jealous when she tells them about this

She could barely contain herself when she heard the man agree to take her home after he was finished with whatever he came to do. It had been difficult to even talk to him considering he kept himself busy with either planning for his next class or tutoring...that Cullen girl.

Alice Cullen, she forgot about her

She was known as the most beautiful woman before the Cullen's had arrived. If they were ranking her out of all those women within that family people would say she couldn't even compare to the heeled boots Rosalie Cullen wore, but if they categories them via age, then Esme Cullen had her beat my miles...It wasn't fair, and with that Swan girl coming along she saw the potential in her if she learned how to style herself right. She was at the bottom and with her age starting to catch up to her she felt like she would be stuck with her old man or a husband for the rest of her youth at this point. She was going on thirty and if she waited any longer to get rid of him, she'd be stuck.

But Alice Cullen...that damned girl was the only one within her family besides her two hot brothers that wasn't in a relationship with anyone. She was described as a gentle fairy that adored her handsome teacher, Joshua. Looking at it now she would fit in with him perfectly, they both were young and gorgeous, but one was underage and the other seemed to hate people. She stood no chance if Alice Cullen was to graduate and get married to Fork's hottest bachelor. She had sneakily peeked at Joshua, watching his jaw tighten while his hands gripped onto the wheel with an unshakable force. Was he nervous?

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