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Despite her mind being filled with other things, Alice never forgot about that one person who she met first out of everyone else. The first person to appear in her visions and love her in ways she never thought was possible considering her childhood. Jasper truly was her favorite person after Joshua, she was positive he was, and that didn't mean she didn't see the vampire hide away by himself when shit usually hits the fan.

She had been worried about Jasper ever since she caught wind that he might've been affected by Bella just as much as Edward was, probably worse, so she had been looking for him after Joshua had left for home. Sure, he was an old lover of his, but he now was a brother to her. She cared about him just as much as she cared for Edward and Emmett. She had the right to be worried about him, and she felt horrible that she had pushed him to the side like she had. It wasn't right, but she also didn't want him to get the wrong idea. She was looking for his mate, she promised she was even when she was with Joshua, and she still had nothing to go off besides the clear blue skies. She was steadily failing him.

"Jasper! Jasper, where are you!" She rushed through the forest, mind working hard to pinpoint his location via the future, and her legs working even harder to beat him there. She hadn't had a proper conversation with him in what felt like ages. Hadn't talked to him, or even seen him, and she wondered if it was her fault that he was distancing himself from the family. She had worked so hard to make sure that no matter what he would be welcomed into any space they fitted themselves in and she had failed to keep her promise.

It was sad. The teen didn't even get any attention at school. She rarely heard his name being passed around and she wondered if that was her fault also. Joshua and Edward were the main stars when it came to bachelors, and she and Rosalie took the cake for the women. Jasper wasn't included in it, and she wondered if it was because of something the humans could see. Did they know more about Jasper than she did? Do they see what she sees?"

"Jasper, please." This reminded her of the time she had to chase after him the first time they had met. He was highly untrusting of her despite her kind smile, and wide eyes. He had suffered a lot at the hands of a woman who cared for nothing but herself and she didn't know how to feel about that. She was no better than Marie who used him until she had no need for him anymore. No better and she had promised not to do what she had done, but she wasn't thinking.

He wanted to choose who to love himself, but Alice couldn't do that. She wanted everything handed to her, what to do, who to love, where to live, and all that was made for her. Soulmates were just another thing that was decided for her, and she was incredibly happy about it. Jasper needed some sort of guidance also. He couldn't do anything by himself, and when he did it only led to terrible things. He needed someone just as much as she did. But how could she possibly get him to see that?

"I'm here Alice." She had paused, eyes glancing up to see the vampires she was looking for sitting up in a tree looking down at her. She hadn't realized that she made it here, was even ready to continue running but he had called out to her before that. He had looked exactly how she expected, dirty, and bloody. He probably had been hunting if the smell of a few animals on him wasn't anything to go off, that was a relief. She would hate for him to accidentally attack a human in such a small town where people would notice a disappearance. "You're looking for me?"

"Of course, I came looking for you, I was worried." Didn't bother jumping up where he was, she figured if she did that then he would get startled and run away before she could even manage to get a word out.

"I would've been fine; shouldn't you be worried about whether Joshua's sleeping or not right now?" The man was known for having a strict schedule and that included when he went to sleep. Alice was known to cuddle up in his bed when his eyes had closed and his breath had evened out, he would never let it happen if he was awake, but he never did complain when he was asleep.

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