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"Please stop thinking...seriously, you're overthinking things." Edward groaned, irritation showing clearly on his face as he tried focusing on a deer. He had overheard the pathetic conversation between Alice and Jasper, and with a heavy sign he made his move to retrieve the boy from his room, knowing good and well that he wouldn't have bothered to hunt after getting rejected so hard, "you really need to get over it." He felt sorry for him, incredibly sorry for the fact that the person he loved so dearly, clearly didn't love them back, or at least in the way he was hoping for her to.

"You'll find someone that would complete you much better than Alice could, you know." There were times when he wished for someone to love him, and then there were times when he wished not to curse someone to love him like he was cursed to live this life. He didn't want this life for them, if he could help it, he wanted them human, he wanted them to grow, to change, not stay stuck in some eternal loop of despair.

"I know, I do want to get over her, but I can't." She saved him, he was ready to rid this world of one less monster, but she showed up and brought life to his stopped heart, "she's the most perfect thing for me at the moment. You wouldn't understand, you don't have no one you're in love with that doesn't love you back." The look of utter defeat was present, the emotion of sadness thickening as both men wallowed in their own pity, and devastating 'luck.'

They both wanted something, but knew it was best if they didn't have it. They both understood each other perfectly, but they also disagreed to a certain degree. Edward believed that Alice should be happy with the person she's been craving, but Jasper believes she'll be happy with him if she gave him a chance. Who knew that mates would be something the two could understand, but not get behind at the same time.

"You're right, I wouldn't." Edward signed once again, he had been doing that much more recently ever since he forced out Jasper for dinner, "but that doesn't mean I can't try. I love you just as much as I love Alice. The same advice I would give to her, would also be given to you, I have no favorites." Lies, they both knew that Alice would forever and always be the favorite out of everyone in the household. How could she not be after all, she was the spoiled little Cullen princess.

"But you'll still look at it from a different standpoint," Jasper himself only agreed to leave, because Rosalie's emotions didn't seem so welcoming after he had chatted with Alice. He wasn't hungry...well he was a little bit, but he wasn't in the mood to kill now, "you need to see it from my perspective, before you can fully give your opinion. You haven't experienced what I have, and the only thing you could provide me with is information about her." He pronounced the deer that Edward had been stalking, snatched right from under him as Jasper took large gulps from the stolen meal.

"I won't, she'll be very upset knowing I shared her personal thoughts with someone else." Everyone in their family would be upset if he was passing around their personal thoughts without permission. Rosalie hated it the most, always cursing him out when he asked her questions that didn't concern him to begin with out of curiosity.

"I wouldn't share your personal thoughts with her. If she asked, I wouldn't tell her what you've been thinking about for the past year." He glowered, a bit upset over his stolen meal, but he had soon pronounced on a bear not too far away.

"I understand you wouldn't, but I'm not asking for much...just how she feels about me?" Leaned back on the body, blood coating the back of his shirt, but he could hardly bring himself to care, "does she love me like I love her, I would like to know. Even," He paused, "even if it's just a little bit. Even if she loves me just a little bit like I love her I would be happy." He sounded borderline desperate, but Edward still couldn't find it in his heart to tell him. Alice's thoughts about him were her own personal thoughts, but wouldn't it hurt to tell him a little white lie to get him off his back, would it?

"Please Edward." He projected his sadness, his desperation also lingering in the mist.

"Yeah," He grimaced, praying that he didn't notice how uncomfortable he was feeling, "she loves you a lot more than you believe." He smiled at the little cheer he gave though, feeling just a tad bit ashamed that he lied.

"So, I have a chance?"

"If you can get into her heart, before she meets her mate." She had claimed to him that her mate seemed to be in a relationship anyway. It would do them no good to break up a happy relationship just for them to be damned for eternity. Jasper might just be the best thing for her, and if she cared about her mate, like Edward does if they ended up human, then she would let them live their mortal lives to the fullest.


Alice herself was out hunting also, taking care to hunt in a different direction from her brothers so that she wouldn't be bothered with their questions or rough games they liked to play to occupy themselves. She was overly curious about what tomorrow was going to be like, about who her mate was going to be, and if they were going to be at school like her, or would she have to scout Seattle for them. So many scenarios of things going wrong were playing in her mind, but she still couldn't get rid of the excitement she felt at the idea of finally meeting 'the one.'

She was curious about their personality, their likes, dislikes, hobbies, or even their job if they have one. What would they be? What would they do when they saw her? What if they were human, or already a vampire! She hoped they were vampires already, while she wasn't like Edward and didn't mind changing them the second, she met them, she did feel that it would save time, and any explanation about why she feels this way about them wouldn't be needed. Then again, she also didn't mind spending time with them while they were human, watching them sleep, cooking those meals, and even hearing their heartbeat. She figured that it would be so amazing to listen to, but she knew that it was also dangerous for her and the family if they ever were to tell someone about what she was, what they were out of fear.

She'll get there when it comes though, for now she will hunt, Rosalie's concern still echoing in the back of her mind, and like a good obedient little sister, she went out to find her a small meal before tomorrow approached. Deer? Bear? Maybe she should try the mountain lions for once? She never traveled up the mountains before because of the fear of being seen by the hiking humans, but she also knew that they tasted quite good from the way Emmett talks about them.

Thinking about it now, would her mate struggle with their thirst? Would they like their 'vegan' diet? If they did, what would be their favorite animal to hunt? She grinned, that made her even more excited to try a lion, the eagerness to tell her mate what the best animal would be to drink from, and how proud she would feel when they would either agree with her or praise her for the knowledge.

Maybe she should've invited Rosalie along, she knew best what it was like to have a newborn mate...well a male one at that, but she still had experience, and Esme also could explain to her what it was like hunting with her mate for the first time after she was changed. Later, she would ask them about it later, and after the week was up, she would ask them for all the tips they might have for her, if she discovered her human mate at school.

"Can't wait!" She squealed, startling the few prey animals around, but catching the eyes of one fearless pet.

"Oh, hey kitty." She was sure the mountain lion could wait; this was the first time she was in front of such a cute cat. It was damn sad how they rarely were around animals considering they ate them instead of their 'natural' food, "where's your owner? I see the little collar you have on; you must be so scared?" She cooed, wiggling her fingers to gain the cat's interest, but like a stubborn child, the cat turned its nose up and walked back into the bushes it had come out of.

"Wait, it's been so long since I last pet a cat." Alice gave chase, giggling along the way as she jogged a human pace after the cat. She'll eat later after she gets a hold of this cat. She was so far from home, about a good five-minute run out of their 'territory,' but she couldn't help the fact that she gets so distracted at times. Even now, the house before her didn't faze her a single bit, confidently strutting up the stairs and inside the cracked door where the cat entered. No one was home to stop her. 


Such a spoiled girl to just waltz right into a strangers house. 


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