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"So, are they all dead?" Rosalie looked around, everyone had long since crashed on whatever couch they could land on, and Bella looked worse than when she last saw her. The girl was still pale, but now at a sickly level, and her eyes appeared to sink farther into her head with every slow blink.

"We think so." At least Edward hoped, he had saw Laurent's head getting torn off, but he never saw his body being burnt so there was a high chance his head reattached, and he was still kicking it somewhere, but he didn't dare go check where the redhead went. She was up there in the trees with Alice and Joshua last time he checked, and he didn't think she was going to last long.

"Think? You don't know? Edward really!" Rosalie groaned, "the Volturi could be looking up our asses at this point and you don't know if the threat is gone?" She simply felt stressed, of course she felt bad for everyone else who looked far more tired than they should considering their immortality, but she couldn't help but see her life flash before her eyes at the mere mention of these vile vampires. "You think they're going to spare Bella? Spare us? No, they're going to kill us even if we weren't the source of the problem." Maybe they might spare the useful ones. Alice, Edward, Joshua, hell even Jasper might get spared, but the nobodies like her, Esme, Emmett, and Carlisle who only had old ties keeping him afloat might not save them in the end.

"Your overreacting, I'm sure they would've already been here if it was that much of a problem." Jasper was surprised in the kitchen, watching the water boil to make some soup for Bella. Esme was helping, but the woman had resigned her position to make sure the girl wasn't going to vomit all over their hardwood floors.

"Am I? Am I Jasper? This is serious, we have a human under our roof who isn't going to be changed into a vampire, and we have some superhuman not far from the house." He was the last person to tell her to calm down. And the scent of Key lime was just as strong with Joshua's personal little spot being left untouched.

"Joshua will be fine." Edward could confirm that, he was positive the man could erase his presence if he truly wished, but Bella was an entirely different story, "we just need to focus on Bella."

"And leave Alice to fend for Joshua alone? No offense but it's not just Bella who's in danger. Just because one human is more fragile than the other doesn't mean anything to the Volturi. None of it."

"Now you're just being pessimistic, the girl is hurt and you're scaring her." He didn't know how to make soup; he was just winging it at this point.

"She thinks everything's going to be sunshine and rainbows and she's going to get that perfect happy ending she always wanted without hardships?" In disbelief Rosalie scoffed, "The girl is lucky to be alive because of Joshua snatching her when he did, and she's lucky again from the same person." She had a look on her face for someone to correct her, but even Edward thought it was stupid how she ended up in those woods in the first place. It was the wilderness so even if she didn't know about the existence of vampires, she still had the other animals to worry about.

"That was a little stupid Bells." Emmett snorted, "Forgot he did that."

"How could you? That was the most shocking thing ever." Though it made Jasper feel good that he was going crazy from being alive for so long. He knew something was weird about the guy and now that they have unmistakable evidence than there should be no reason to question him.

"Well, I'm not like someone whose out to get a person just because there with someone that doesn't want to be with me." He shrugged, and whether Jasper made a face or not he didn't acknowledge for Esme had gasped quite loudly at the sheer nerve of the vampire to even bring it up.


"He's right Esme, it's about time he learnt to let go. He has his special someone waiting on him and whether he chooses to wait for them or not is his problem." Edward had awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, "we went a bit far snooping through his things without permission." Or he just felt uncomfortable now since Joshua might just bust open some new holes for their sport once he's finished with whatever he's doing now.

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