Valentine's Special

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Part One

Living in Forks was always full of surprises, ranging from the horse-sized wolves, and the vegan vampires, it shouldn't be world stopping to take notice of just how bad the weather could get in the small area. The school had long since shut down for the week out for harsh weather, and he had time to do whatever he wanted, along with finishing any work he hadn't had the chance to get around too, but for now he had chosen to do something simple, he had an entire week, and stressing himself out wasn't the first thing on his mind.

So today he had chosen to sit outside on his porch, the first time he had the chance since he had moved into the house, and he was very much unbothered by the copious amount of rain that fell from the side gutters of his cabin. It was exceedingly rare that he had much time for himself these days with the tiny vampire and her family wandering his home.

He quite enjoyed nature, and it wasn't just the fox in him that seemed to thrive off the excess amount of land they could be exploring right now, if it wasn't for the stickler of a human counterpart they were stuck with. He was far too classy to play around in the mud that would come with the wet weather, he wouldn't spend his day off cleaning up muddy paw prints, and brushing matted up, muddy knots out his many tails.

The peace and quiet was more than welcomed though, a thick book held tightly in his hands as he rocked slowly back and forth on his porch swing. Tannie purring lightly against his thigh as he too listened to the mild pattering of rain, and the soft crinkling of paper whenever he finished a page.

"Quite the rainy day, right Tannie." He smiled, running his fingers carefully through the cat's fur to avoid snagging it on his rings that adorned his slender fingers. He didn't expect the cat to reply to him, a drowsy mewl being the only response he was expecting, but the sound of a quiet giggle also managed to catch his attention. His eyes narrowing in annoyance at the sight of a soaked, vampire, dressed in the scantiest clothes she probably owned.

"Joshua!" She leaped, the sound of her wet feet contacting the porch floor, scaring poor Tannie back into the house, "I've been trying to reach you for the longest!" A small pout present, but she still dropped down onto the cousins of his swing despite his murmurs of protest, "why have you been ignoring me? It's Valentine's Day, shouldn't all your attention be on your lover?" She snuggled, unperturbed by his obvious look of disgust over the ruining of his clothes. She seemed more relieved to know that he was doing what he always did instead of up and leaving like he had once before. She was worried he'd never come back again, but a week later was proven wrong when he had caught her lying in his bed one night.

"Valentine's means nothing to me, I've had plenty of lovers over the years, why would you think you're special enough to get what they haven't?" He tried to brush her off, being weary of his book that was inches away from being drenched in the copious amount of water the vampire seemed to be soaked in.

"Why wouldn't I?" She snuggled farther, "you're letting me touch you? Haven't you said before you hated to be touched by anyone who believed below you? You're allowing me to touch you, and no matter how much you deny it, I'm much more special than any of your many whores." His words had a certain edge to them, and if he wasn't so upset about his ruined clothes, and damp swing cushion, he would've taunted her a bit more.

"My many whores were allowed to touch me also."

"But only with permission, I'm touching you out of my own pleasure." For proof she went ahead to drag her cold hands underneath his shirt, tracing the faint abdominal muscles lining his stomach, and resting her damp head upon his chest, listening to that heartbeat she had a love-hate relationship with, "you would never allow them to touch you like this." It made her smile, and no amount of teasing, or taunting could make her change the fact that she still very much loved this man that made it his mission to upset her with the littlest things.

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