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I cleaned my desk and made my way to his cabin. I was about to knock, when I was recalled of his words. With a deep breath, I slowly pushed open the door, revealing an alluring sight to me, Lucas was reclined on his seat, with his hands folded under his head. His hair was gently tousled, resting on his forehead, impressed with creases, indicating his  deep thoughts.

An urge to run my fingers through his hair and taking away all his stress took control of me.

I slowly entered the room and immediately his eyes flung open, catching mine. His mesmerizing blue eyes shone in the dimly lit room and pierced through my soul.

His expressions visibly relaxed as a radiant smile spread across his lips.

"Nice progress." He muttered, in his deep velvety voice.

"I guess, I don't want to be ignored again." I replied, sitting across from him.

"You seem quite worried. Is everything alright ?" I asked. He leaned forward, and intertwined our hands, drawing  soothing circles on mine.

"Wes and Leo are in town and they want to meet."

His words confused me or perhaps it was the sad tone he was using to describe such a joyful news that did.

"That's such a great news. You should definitely go." I enthused but he still seemed in contemplation.

"Don't  you want to see them ?" I asked, unaware of the reason of his sadness.

"I do but I don't want to leave you alone ?" He responded.

Was he being serious ?
Because he is very well aware that I am very much capable of managing alone.

"Or you don't wanna go to club ?" I jested, having an idea of his dislike towards clubbing, something the other men enjoy.

"I am serious." He stated, gravity masking his face. I sighed and gently squeezed his hands.

"I am gonna be fine. You know, I can manage. Right ?"

"I know. It just doesn't sit right with me anymore."

"Just keep your phone close. And I will call you just like I always used to do." I assured him, recalling the countless nights, I called him when I needed help with Alex.

"And you know what ?" I muttered.

"What ?"

"You should feel lucky, you got friends like them." I told him.

"You don't have friends ?" He further inquired.

"I don't think I can say a yes. I had a friend, whose family moved to UK when we completed high school and the other friend, lives somewhere in California with her family. I have no contacts of them anymore. The only friend I have is Emma, as in Emma Hearts." As I rambled, my eyes darted around. It was only today I realised the kind of loner I had become.

"Don't give me reasons not to go." He remarked, certainly trying to cheer me up. I played along, "I am pretty sure, you are escaping from your visit to club. I might have to call Nathan." He chuckled, gazing at me intently.

"I am so glad I married you." He whispered.

"So am I." For a moment, as we held each other's eyes, the world seemed to have stopped.

"It's already seven. We should head home. You need to change before you leave." He nodded and we exited the company, bidding farewell to the watchmen.


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