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After taking a refreshing cold shower, I wrapped a towel around my waist and made my way to the changing area, where I donned a perfectly tailored black Armani suit. With my tie neatly in place and my hair sleekly gelled back, I added my watch and shoes, completing the look.

As I made my way to the living room, I was met by my mother, Emily, and her childhood friend Sophie engaged in conversation. Their gazes fell on me, and compliments followed.

"You look handsome, honey." Mom complimented.

"I can't agree more, Mrs.Knight." Sophie chimed in. I smiled at them, but my attention was drawn to Emily, waiting for her response. She simply winked at me playfully, acknowledging that I looked good without going overboard.

"Take care. I'll be back shortly." I informed them before leaving. Emily waved and teased,"Yeah, you better go and pick up your princess." I tried to brush off her remark, but a slight smile betrayed my amusement.

Driving in my mustang, I arrived at Amelia's house and was warmly welcomed by Alex.

"Hey Lucas, Please come in." He invited me.

"How are you, Alex ?" I asked, stepping inside.

"I am good. Thanks. Amelia would be down in a minute." He responded. I gave him a nod.

As I walked further into the house, my eyes were drawn to the pictures hanging on the wall – snapshots of their childhood with their parents. I had seen them before; some were family pictures, while others captured their cheerful moments on camera. They used to be so happy.

"Hey !" Her soft voice broke me out of trance. I turned around and was left in awe. Amelia looked beautiful every single day, but on occasions like this, when she was all dressed up, she looked simply mesmerizing, like a divine being.

Her green dress reached just below her knees, and a tantalizing slit revealed her soft skin. Her locks were perfectly curled, and her makeup enhanced her lovely facial features.

"You look beautiful." I complimented, and a soft smile graced her lips as she tucked a hair strand behind her ear, whispering a gracious thank you.

"You look amazing as well." She replied, her eyes shining with admiration.

We exchanged warm glances, a silent understanding passing between us. Amelia then turned to Alex, instructing him, "Alex, just call me immediately if you need me." He responded with a thumbs up and we were ready to leave.

"Shall we ?" I asked, outstretching my hand. She placed her hand in mine and an unfamiliar warmth filled my body as we set off towards the car.

The drive to the party venue was accompanied by a comfortable silence, with me stealing occasional glances at her, only to find her staring outside.

Arriving at the grand inheritance party of Axel Reed, the new CEO of The Reeds Corporation, I hoped this event would be as successful as the rest of our partnership with the Reed family.

The destination was one of our hotels. As we entered the hotel, we were struck by the breathtaking decorations adorning the spacious hall. The combination of purple and golden lights, along with the elegant chandeliers on each table, created a truly royal ambiance. To say that I was impressed by the decorations would be an understatement.

"The decorations are beautiful." Amelia whispered, mesmerized by the decorations. Her face glowed under the splendid lights. I smiled, leading us further inside where we were greeted by  Mr. and Mrs. Reed.

"Lucas ! Amelia ! What a pleasure to have you both." Mr.Reed exclaimed, enveloping me in his arms. Then he turned to Amelia, extending the same warm embrace. He's been a good man, supporting me ever since the beginning, and I've learned so much from him. They admired Amelia's appearance, and she graciously thanked them.

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