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1 month after the incident
In context, Jieun was sent to a psychiatric ward, Y/N still hasn't woken up and Niki still visits her every day after school, tells her everything that happened and stays by her side until it's closing time

"Please don't forget the memories we made and please don't forget you're a trainee at HYBE (Big Hit)" Niki sighs as he holds onto Y/N's hand, desperately hoping she would wake up.

"Where am I?" Y/N stirred as she tried sitting up.

"Y/N! You're awake, I thought you died for a hot second" Niki exclaims.

"Haha very funny Riki" Y/N replies. Riki, that's what Y/N called him when they were dating, did she remember? There was indeed light at the end of the dark tunnel.

"You remember me?" Niki asks in surprise.

"Of course not. I don't remember you at all. We totally didn't date, right?" Y/N responds, rolling her eyes in the process of making Niki panic. Her voice immediately alerting staff who come running in, performing all kinds of different tests, blood tests, heart tests, everything.

"All set. Just a few weeks in here and you should be good to go. Also, by some miraculous miracle, you don't fully have amnesia, some parts of your memory will be a blur but most of it is crystal clear" the head doctor exclaims as they walk out of the room.

"To answer your question, yes. We did date for some time" Niki replies. "I want to start fresh and everything"

"So do I" Y/N says as she smiles her room lighting smile. "I'm Choi Y/N, born on the 31st of December, 2005 in Melbourne, (your parents are born in South Korea, making you Korean and Australian) I am a trainee at HYBE"

"Nice to meet you. I'm Nishimura Riki, born on the 9th of Demcember, 2005. I am also a trainee at HYBE" Niki says. "Also, I have a question"

"Yes, I will date you. Before this fucking shitty ass incident happened, I had decided already. I just needed time to tell you" Y/N grins as she beckons Niki to come closer to her. She gives him a peck on the cheek making him turn red. "Aww, you look so cute when your flustered"

"I am not" Niki replies looking away.

"Sure you're not" Y/N giggles.

"Cute" Niki mutters as Y/N rolls her eyes, again.

"Where's Jieun?" Y/N questions.

"Psychiatric Ward" Niki replies.

"What?! But why? There is nothing wrong with her at all" Y/N exclaims.

"She killed Nabi, Phoenix and Soon. Injured you and Sunghoon hyung" Niki responds feeling puzzled at why Y/N thought that Jieun is innocent.

"No she didn't" Y/N says.

"Yes she did. She tried shooting me but you stood in front of me, remember?" Niki states, feeling even more confused.

"No she didn't. She didn't fucking shooting you or kill anyone" Y/N bluntly replies, determined to make Jieun innocent in their conversation.

Niki sighs deeply and explains everything to her. Y/N shakes her head in disbelief. Her memory of Jieun is affected by the amnesia so that's why you doesn't remember anything about what happened that day. She still believes that Jieun didn't do anything wrong.
Niki has no choice but to show her a video. The video was a snippet from the CCTV footage on the day of the accident. Y/N watches in horror as Niki sits beside her, comforting her. She flinched at the part where they were in the hallway and Jieun shoots Y/N who was trying to protect Niki.

"Sunghoon got injured trying to give us time" Niki says.

"Please tell him to come visit me, I want to talk to him" Y/N replies.

"Ok, be right back" Niki says as he rushes to get Sunghoon.

"What fucking shit is he making up now about Jieun?" Y/N mumbles to herself as Niki disappears out of ear shot. She only slightly believes him, only because of the CCTV.

As Y/N waits for Niki and Sunghoon, she gives a good look around her room. Flowers, teddy bears, cards, typical gifts for someone in hospital. A IV drip hanging from the side with the needle inserted in her right arm (you're left handed and they stick the IV on your right arm so your dominant hand and arm isn't restricted). The blank and empty white walls stare back at her. The blinding lights from above. The crinkly hospital clothes and the uncomfortable hospital bed.

"Hey, Y/N! How are you?" Sunghoon asks.

"We're friends again, right? Memory is still a blur" Y/N responds as she chuckles.

"Yeah, we are" Sunghoon replies.

"Good. I want to ask you something. Who injured you?" Y/N asks.

"Jieun, you don't remember?" Sunghoon says.

"Oh. I never thought she would do that." Y/N sadly remarks.

"She has Dissociative Identity Disorder. She wanted you to herself. She was trying to possess you. She never told you about her disorder because she wanted you to constantly be by her side. She was being selfish. I'm sorry to say all that" Sunghoon explains.

"Oh. If she told me I wouldn't leave her, I would stay by her side" Y/N sighs.

"Damage has been done, nothing you can do about it" Niki says.

"I guess you're right" Y/N replies as some stray tears start forming. She was downhearted due to the fact that her so called best friend didn't tell her about a disorder because she was scared to lose Y/N.

"It's ok. Try not to think much about it" Sunghoon comforts. "Anyways, I'll get going"

"Okay" Niki says as he pushes Sunghoon out the room (Sunghoon is in a wheelchair, remember?)

Y/N sits in her bed, thinking about all the things Jieun and her did (I don't know if my grammar is correct). Everything just seemed so unbelievably fake.


"COMING!" Y/N yells back as she runs towards Jieun. "I'm sorry, bus was late"

"Bus?" Jieun asks.

"My parents are too lazy to drop me off" Y/N replies.

"Oh. Don't worry. In the future, be more successful and prove them wrong. You just need to be yourself and don't let them get in the way" Jieun says as they head to class.

Jieun was always there for Y/N whenever her parents did a stunt. Jieun was like the older sister Y/N never had and it broke Y/N when Jieun pulled the stunt that ended with Y/N in the hospital fighting for her life. Her heart rate started increasing at the thought of Jieun and before you know it, the heart rate monitor starts beeping rapidly. Y/N feels as if she can't breath anymore, she begins hyperventilating before black once again.... The heart rate monitor goes flat....

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