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I open my dorm room with Riki just a few steps behind me. I hear screaming, crying, banging and thudding. In an instant I knew something was wrong, really wrong.

I slowly opened my dorm door. Blood splatter everywhere, pools of blood on the floor. Jieun standing in the middle of 3 dead bodies with a knife in hand. She starts yelling. My eyes widen at the situation.


"You're Jieun. I never told you to kill anyone" I whisper, shaking in fear.

"Dissociative Identity Disorder, run" Niki whispers to me.

"RUNNING WON'T HELP! YOU TOLD ME TO KILL THEM. THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Jieun shouts as her eyes turn red, as if she had been possessed.

"JIEUN WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! CAN'T YOU SEE Y/N IS FRIGHTENED?" Niki yells at Jieun shielding me with his body.

Jieun laughs like a maniac and advances toward us, knife pointing towards Niki. But she doesn't use it, instead she grabs out a gun.
'BANG' before everything turns black.

Unknown POV
I walk into the building expecting to come see some of my friends. I walk into the elevator, whistling a happy tune. I hear screaming from above, but took no notice, probably some people getting into an argument. I arrive at the 5th floor, my destination. The screaming gets louder and louder every step I take towards the place I want to get to.

'BANG'. I hear more and more screaming and crying. Until I noticed the screaming and crying came the place I need to be. I see Niki carrying a bleeding body out of the dorm with a girl trailing behind them with blood on her clothes and skin. She looks like a bloody mess. Blood trailing behind her, leaving small blood puddles after every step. Her eyes widen as our eyes glance at each other'. Is that Jieun, Y/N's best friend carrying a gun with her?! My eyes must be deceiving me, I rub my eyes but it doesn't work. The blood stained girl in Niki's arm, Jieun with a gun in hand. Niki comes running towards me with the girl who looks lifeless. It was Y/N...

"Take her to the hospital, we don't have much time left. I'll try and distract Jieun. Go" Niki tells me.

"No. I've caused enough trouble for her, you take her. I'll fight Jieun off" I say.

Niki nods and wastes no time, he runs off carrying Y/N in his arms towards the elevator. Blood dripping behind with every step he takes. I turn to look at Jieun who is a mess. One second she would act like a psychotic maniac and the next second, she starts crying.

"I didn't mean to. I just want to be friends with Y/N. And the stupid Niki is in the way. That's why I made out with him, so Y/N would break up with him and he would leave, simple" Jieun tells me as she slowly places the gun on the ground. Why was she acting like this?

"We need to go. What you did was wrong" I tell her.

"But Sunghoon, shouldn't you be angry that Y/N is with Niki? I'm helping the both of us. Can't you see? Y/N is slowly losing trust in Niki and will never give him another chance if he continues to do stupid things again. So, we just need to set him up, Y/N will slowly fall out of love with him, you need to save her like a knight in shining armour and then you can have her, and we will be bestie's again" Jieun suggests.

"No. I'm happy for them. I realised, it's useless chasing a girl that has her heart focused on someone else." I reply to her absurd idea, although as tempting as it is, I don't want to ruin Niki and Y/N's relationship or whatever they have going.

"Fine" Jieun huffs. "Then, I consider you a threat"

Jieun starts advancing towards me with her gun. Ear piercing gun shots can be heard from all directions. I swerve and duck my way to the elevator, desperately pushing the buttons.
"Hurry up" I mutter. "Why aren't you going any faster?"

She's gaining on me, I have no choice but to defend myself. I slowly reach for my pocket knife and fling it in her direction. Lucky for me, it hits her, but she fires at the same time. Before I know it, I'm bleeding from my right leg, blood pouring out like a waterfall. The elevator comes up, I quickly limp in pain onto the elevator and push G (ground level). Luckily, Jieun was badly injured and couldn't make it to the elevator.

I step out onto the gravelly footpath. Sirens, blinding red and blue lights, shouting. I see Y/N and Niki sitting at the back of an ambulance, with Y/N on a gurney and Niki holding her hand, crying. An officer approaches me asking me everything, from question of food decisions (weird) to what happened with Jieun. I told them everything about her psychotic behaviour.

"Mr Park, with your leg injury, you will most likely need to go to the hospital. Go in the same ambulance as Mr Nishimura and Miss Choi. We will deal with Miss Lee" the officer tells me, pointing to the ambulance that Y/N and Niki are in.

"Hey, Sunghoon hyung, are you alright?" Niki asks me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Is Y/N going to be ok?" I ask.

"She has a bullet wound near her chest, so in short terms, I don't know if she is going to be ok or not" Niki replies with a sad smile, it broke me to see him like his current state. When I met all of the younger members, I promised to protect the, like a real older brother.

We arrive at the hospital. Doctors and nurses rush towards us.

"The girl is losing a lot of blood. Add pressure, any longer without pressure, she will die" a nurse says.

The words die make me shudder..

"Y/N, stay strong" I whisper as doctors take me to a hospital room and complete tests on my leg injury. Niki sits beside's me, watching helplessly as Y/N is being transported to the Emergency Surgery room.

In Love with My Best Friend || Ni-Ki (Nishimura Riki) x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now