Twenty One

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A heavily darkened night fell over the city...
Covering it like an infinite duvet of navy blues with small shades of dimmed whites due to the clouds hovering and passing through the full moon.

The answer to Salem's brand new mystery of murderes was sitting right at the top of an empty and particularly closed up hiking trail, devouring yet another helpless victim and spilling a lot more innocent blood.
With this new corpse, it made the spilt blood enough to fill up an entire gallon along with all the other anounts of dark red liquid being wasted.

The terminator's low and diabolical growl almost echoed throughout all the mountains with its vicious release and the amount of fury the female was feeling this very moment.
She went as far as to take one of the severed arms of the many deceased surrounding her and throw it harshly against the rocky wall in a bold fit of rage.

And if it wasn't already guessed by now, as it turned out, Sebastian's suspicions in particular happened to be correct...

Ash was the one behind all of the missing people in the wicked city recently.
She was the one and the only one, sadly, behind this cruel massacre.
And she still continued to be much to her dismay, the she devilish witch even lost count of how many mortal lives she took into her cold blooded hands.
Unfortunately, her succubus powers had definitely overtook her to the point of having absolutely no control over her own self now.

Not to mention her encounter with Tarja and Spencer definitely did not go as planned at all.
In fact, everything went so horribly against her favor, her own human appearance was cursed and robbed away from her forever.
To this day, Costello looked horrendous, not a single trace of humanity on her whatsoever, inside or out.
Which is why now she was forced to be in this highly isolated location, hidden away from the rest of the world.

Just even knowing so crystal clear in her darkened and corrupted mind that she couldn't move an inch away from these shadows that kept her concealed from all kinds of eyes absolutely devistated her to no end.
But what made her icy blood boil to the hottest temperature was that even at the risk of getting caught by everyone in Salem, she could not stay away from the general public...
All because her beastly side would not allow her to stop craving more souls.

"Fuck...FUUUUUCK!" Ashley roared at the top of her lungs, her voice boomed so loudly that even some owls could be heard in the distance responding her to distress.
She began to pace back in fourth, pausing for a moment to look down at her arms along with the rest of her covered in her true form.
Her hands then came up to tug at her hair, gripping it so tightly to the point of nearly ripping it off from the root.

At this point, though, she didn't care about any kind of pain.
The poor lost creature had been suffering so much more these days than physical pain itself that it all just didn't matter, not anymore.

Words couldn't describe what she was feeling every since that night.
All the young woman wanted was to be free, free from the dark coven and more especially to be free from Spencer, not be cursed so cruely and obligated to flee for the rest of her life.
Her life was never supposed to be this way in the first place...
Even though Ash knew she was never exactly a good person, actually, she was a terrible person if she was being honest with herself...
But if she could just have the one chance to take it all back at this point, she would do it in less than a heartbeat.

Slowly, as she processed this deeply, like she had been for the past miserable few nights...
Ash's anger unhurriedly faded and transitioned into sorrow as she felt herself walking backwards until her back hit the rocky wall and she slid herself down, sitting right next to the rotting arm
she'd pitched.

Her eyes rolled to stare down at the lifeless body part, and it was as if it became an instant trigger for her tears to casacade down her face.
Even though she was a full on succubus inside and out, she couldn't help but have maybe even an ounce of humanity left inside of her with the heavy guilt that consumed her.

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