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Spencer's presence had always managed to bring  this feeling of a huge inner earthquake that rattled deep into Nyx's nervous system.
Michaelangelo's presence was beginning to do the same.
And the policemen who were unfortunately slaughtered by the demons the previous night...
they too, managed to bring that same feeling of major anxiousness to her.
All these people, and creatures, including those other demonic beasts and even high school enemy Ash, brought this ugly sensation to the young witch.

But absolutely nothing and no one, compared to the feeling the girl was developing inside her very soul as the one she was feeling this very moment by standing in the presence of these three women before her.

Ever since she was a child, Nyx would observe the way the other witches would quiver with fear whenever the council would show up.
Later on as she grew up, she saw and registered in her mind that when the higher authorities of the coven would come knocking at your door...
it means you have done something bad.

Or, they just had horrible news to share in general, never once did she ever hear them say anything that was pleasant to the ear.
In fact, Maria once told her that these three witches were like the three fates in greek mythology, they pretty much spun the thread of destiny for the Solluna.

Nyx personally never had a one on one with them.
Not even after her accidental crime...
But now here she was, face to face with the three most intimidating hags in the most powerful coven in the world.
And she hated every second of it.
They were the very last people she wanted to see after everything that has been going on.

The violet eyed beauty had not spoken one word since their random arrival.
And she could already tell by the looks on their faces, that they were thinking she was rude for practially not rolling out the red carpet for them as anyone else would.
It always annoyed her that everyone would kiss their asses as if they were royalty.
Even more that these women actually expected that kind of treatment with their God complex.

"It's quite impolite to just stare at us like that." The one standing in the middle broke the silence, making Nyx realize that her facial expression was a harsh one, but she could honestly care less.
"Well it's also quite impolite to just break into someone's private property and show up unannounced." She shot back.
"Child, have we ever announced our arrival before?" The one standing on the right questioned.
Which even more annoyingly, she was right about.
"Got me there. So what brings you ladies to my humble abode?" The raven head asked, finally initiating the conversation.
"We have some very important matters to discuss with you, dear Nyx." Stated the witch on the left.

The girl was already dreading what was about to be said.
All she wanted was to come home and get some much needed sleep, she felt like a mother who had a newborn for too many weeks now.
She honestly felt like it's been forever since she slept for more than just a few hours...
having a break from all the stress and anxiety was just too much for her to ask apparently.

"Sigh...Okay, I'm listening." Nyx tiredly sighed while also being on high alert to make sure they didn't try to do something again to thes siren who was now standing behind her.
"Well for starters, what is this horrible hellion doing inside of your home and not inside of the ground where it belongs?" Asked the middle witch with a digusted and angry stare...
earning a small but vicious hiss from Leigh-Anne.

"Oh don't you mind these women, Leigh.
You see, while most people are known to have sticks up their asses, these ones in particular have whole trees instead." Nyx assured her.
Even though her words were a bit confusing to the mermaid at first.
She then understood what she meant and shook her head at them.

"Excuse me?! You better show some respect you lower class-" The right witch snapped, taking a stern step foward but being stopped by her fellow council woman.
"At ease, Tarja."
"Who are these women, anyway?" Leigh-Anne inquired, muttering so only Nyx could hear her talk.
"Unfortunately, some very important witches. They command me and my coven, meaning my family, which is a real pain in the ass.
Their names are Anette, Floor, and Tarja."
Nyx began to explain, pointing at them from left to right as she told her their names...

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