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TW: Anxiety Attack!

The night only continued to drag on and feel more and more heavy, just overall, neverending.
Long after, the sky had turned into a full blanket of jet black with only half the moon being brilliantly present along with a few stars here and there. But they were barely visible to the human eye due to the city lights, somehow though, it still seemed beautiful, yet sad.
It truly gave anyone a bittersweet feeling, but most of all to the female vampire.

Lzzy had decided to join in on this darkness of the midnight radther than stay at home.
After everything that happened just a few hours ago, she wouldn't be able to sleep even if she tried.
Not to mention she felt way too guilty and emarrassed and she did not want any of her sons to even look her way with the heavy pile of shame she now carried.

Thankfully, at this ungodly hour, the streets of Salem were pretty empty, along with the bottle she grasped in her hand as she freely stumbled around in her misery.

Only a few humans were caught in her blurry sight and with the careless mood she was in, she almost had the desire to devour each and every one of them, but even so, blood was not something she thought would make her feel any better.
Apparently, only the toxic liquid seemed to be the answer as it was completely kicking out any sense of sobriety she had left.

Lzzy continued to walk with barely any balance left in her and having to hang on to almost all the dirty walls she walked by in order to keep herself from falling.
Then she proceeded to walk into a semi empty parking lot of a motel and stayed there as she heard the sound police sirens in the distance.

Her light brown eyes witnessed both police vehicles passing by and for some reason, a sigh of relief escaped her lips that she wasn't caught.
But not even seconds later, that sigh was followed by a huge amount of vomit just breaking out of her involuntarily.

The creature was heaving so harshly after she puked every last drop that she didn't even feel herself drop the glass liquor bottle and hear it shatter against the cold ground.
It seemed like her puking was never going to end until at last, she was able to catch her breath, which seemed highly unreachable.

After wiping the chunks that were left on her lips and chin...
The vampire backed up into a wall and slid down, sitting herself on the cold concrete.
She stared blankly into space for a moment before her eyes began to well up.

The next thing Lzzy knew, she was in a puddle of tears just remembering and replaying what happend with Nyx over and over, while seeing the shocked faces of her sons as well.
And she could only imagine when Sebastian finds out, hell, she figures either Remington or Emerson have already told him in this very moment.
But all of those thoughts were pushed to the side for now, there was a tremendous ache inside her chest as a flood of memories between her and Maria came flooding to her mind...

~1st Flashback~

"Babe, stop!" Lzzy giggled with red glowing cheeks as she was getting attacked with kisses by her beautiful blonde girlfriend.
Maria was almost the most affectionate woman anyone would ever have the pleasure and honor of knowing, especially with her partners in her lifetime.

But most especially with Lzzy, she was the only woman Maria experienced true love with.
And every single day they had to themselves, she would not hold back with her kisses and sweet and soothing touches along with whispers of sweet nothings.

Maria leaned away with a giggle of her own, placing her hand on her girlfriend's cheek, proud of herself for making her blush this hard...
"What? You can't tell me you don't like it when I shower you with kisses."

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