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The witch's house seemed to always be the location for meetings to take place between her and the supernatural beings.
They all stood in Nyx's kitchen as they always have in the past when it came to discussing important issues.

The vampires, the psychic, the alpha with his small pack, and even the siren who decided to get out of the water and join the rest of them in this rescue mission were all anxiously awaiting to hear what Nyx would instruct for them to do.
Or for each of them to somehow contribute to coming up with a plan for saving Lzzy before Tori's horrible vision came to pass.

Meanwhile Nyx was looking for something important in the house, Tori and the others were trying their best to comfort the anxious blood drinkers.
Words couldn't describe how terrified all three of them were feeling for their mother's fate, constantly asking themselves over and over if they really were going to make it to her on time with every gory detail the seer unfortunately had to explain to them while on their way home.

"I'm so sorry, you guys...
I didn't even think about where exactly she could be in this moment.
I really hope Nyx finds what she needs so we can hurry this along." Tori commented, looking out into the living room in hopes of seeing her best friend show up from the hallway, but no sign of her yet.

"It's alright, T, don't sweat it.
You've helped more than enough with having your vision." Sebastian said, appreciatively.
Emerson nodded, agreeing then looked over to Michaelangelo's siblings, walking over to them and placing a friendly hand on the younger brother's shoulder and giving it a gentle shake and squeeze.

"By the way, guys, I want to say a huge thanks for coming over to help us. It really means a lot." He tells them.
"Yeah, you don't know how much we appreciate it. Especially you, Leigh, I know how painful it is for you to change from the water and how much you wanted to be in the sanctuary again.
I'm sorry." Added Remington.

But the sea maiden only waved him off to let him know that she was more than okay, although secretly she was still recovering.
"Hey, there's no need to thank us, you guys have helped us a lot, it is the least we could do.
And she's your mom, of course we'll gonna be there for you." Ronan assured them.
"Yes, we are family." Leigh-Anne lovingly tells them, to which they both recived thankful smiles.
It actually gave them a lot of hope that just maybe, they will have their mother back safe and sound.
"So when was the last time you guys saw her?" Sage chimed in.

"Just yesterday, around midnight actually.
And this morning I thought I would see her getting prepared for a gig as usual for later on but I never saw her.
Immediately I knew something was wrong.
I just wish I would've looked for her sooner." The middle creature answered.
"She wouldn't answer any of our calls or messages and that's something she never does." The oldest also confirmed.

Sage could heavily feel their worry, their major anxiety stirring up the huge butterflies fluttering inside their stomachs even though they were trying so hard to seem as calm as possible.
It was the exact gut wrenching feeling she would develop everytime she thought about her own parents not being around anymore.
But she was going to make sure that these brothers did not come to have the same tragic ending as her and her siblings.

The she wolf walked over to them and placed a comforting hand on their backs...
"Well don't you guys worry, I promise we'll reach her before anything happens.
Look on the bright side, Tori said she felt her revelation will happen around midnight and the sun barely went down."
"You're absolutely right. Thank you, Sage." Emerson smiled down at her smaller figure.

Just then, Nyx finally came through the kitchen holding an old map that showed all of Massachusetts.
Even though they obviously had the technology, she wanted to do this the old fashioned way.
Plus, she got the idea from an episode of the vampire diaries, she believed, and she always wanted to try it.

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