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Ever since the sun had risen over the wicked city it seemed like the entire day was doomed to be filled with stress and irritation.
Nyx had never thought that this would all be happening so quickly, she now had not one, not two, but three monsters to deal with now.
The worst part of it all is she still had no idea about Ash's situation...
The newborn demoness had been in the back of the witch's mind from the moment she got out of bed, worrying about her every minute of the day which added more weight onto her shoulders.

Nyx and her friends wanted to go searching for the siren as soon as they got back from the school.
But she had other plans in mind, and besides that, they were all feeling a bit tired since they all barely got any sleep the previous night.
So now the raven haired beauty was sitting back in her house along with Tori keeping her company.

Meanwhile, they had no idea that the sea creature was murdering yet another mortal.
The mother of the child who was the only one to finally show her the compassion she so desperately needed, all to be ruined by the lady who thought of her as nothing more than scum.
Maybe it was better for them to have stuck by the urges to find her.
Maybe then, she wouldn't of gotten herself into deeper trouble than she already was. 
But who was Nyx to know that this would happen again? Tori could have seen it coming, but sadly no visions had come to her.

So the two just sat in the kitchen as usual.
Nyx was flipping through the spellbook that had miraculousy restored on it's own, but to add more to her frustration, the pages in it were still completely blank.

"I don't understand this at all, none of the spells in this thing have come back.
How can the book be intact again but the pages remain blank?"
"That really is weird. I would think at least some of them would be back by now." Tori added.
Nyx sighed heavily and flipped the book shut, bringing her fingers up to massage circles on her temples.
"There is so much shit that I have to figure out and I don't even know where to start."

"Aww, Nyx, I know this is a lot on your plate, are you sure you even want to look for the mermaid, still?" Tori questioned, walking over to pull up a chair next to her and place a caring hand on her back.
"To be honest? I don't even want to deal with that but I don't really have a choice.
I need to get some answers out of her. I don't think I can stand another day without Maria..."

Her best friend nodded, understanding, not saying a word until she took out a small crystal ball along with her tarot deck from her bag and placed them both on the table.
"Speaking of your Aunt. I can sense that your curiosity for me to do a reading for her is screaming inside of you.
It hasn't stopped since you've brought it up the other day, in fact, you were just about to ask me to do that right now."
The girl's brows raised up high at the statement...
"How did you?...Oh, right, duh." She muttered in a small chuckle, sometimes Tori knowing everything before it happens still surprises her up to this day.

The psychic gave her a warm smile and released the deck from it's special box, which looked almost like a jewelry box.
It was gold with the most colorful gems on it.
"You're absolutely sure you want me to do this, though?"

Nyx became hesitant to answer the question, part of her was screaming yes, but another part was warning her about recieving tragic news.
"No...but I need to know, Tori, at this point I'm pretty desperate. Even if the result breaks my heart, at least I'll have some kind of closure."
The red headed beauty nodded once more. And without further ado, she took the deck into her hand, had Nyx give it the ol magic touch like last time, then she began to shuffle them a couple of times.
"We know of her past, we know of her present.
Now tell us the future of Maria Brink."
Those words made the witch feel so nervous she felt goosebumps rise up on her inked up arms and a lump already forming inside of her throat.
But she tried talking to herself in her mind to try to calm down and just be prepared for whatever.

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