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~Smutt Warning!~

The hours went on and the sky was now being painted in black with shades of navy blue and grey at the anniversary.
At first, coming here was obviously something Nyx felt she was going to regret, especially after seeing her old nemesis again.
But the more time she spent with Tori and the goofy brothers, while also seeing Lzzy being phenomenal on the huge stage, she was actually able to genuienly enjoy herself. Even if it was only for a little while.

Other performers besides the vampire mother were there to entertain the crowd. But no one did it like her.
In fact, she was so amazing at rocking out, that when she came back up stage one last time to officially close out the show before the ceremony was to begin, the crowd went absolutely wild. Some of the people that had stepped away after she'd left, came rushing back just to hear her one last time.
Even newcomers were instantly attracted to her incredible talent.

"Oh my goodness, thank you guys! You're way too kind!" She spoke into the microphone, causing an even louder cheer and sound of applause to rise in the air.
She grabbed her acoustic guitar and sat herself on a small black chair.
Meanwhile she waited for the excitement to die down a little, she took a deep breath, her expression contemplating on whether she should say what she wanted to next or just go ahead and play.
But Lzzy wasn't going to feel right in her heart not to say these next few words...

"Alright everyone! I just want to take a moment to say thank you to each and every one of you for being such an awesome audience tonight. I have truly felt special with you all and very welcomed as an aspiring musician. Sadly though, this is the very last song I am going to perform for you all. But as the saying goes, I've saved the best for last..." She had to pause to let another roar of the audience calm down once more, which made her grin brightly and even let out an appreciative giggle.

"Thank you so much. I really hope you all enjoy this final song as much as I do.
I'd like to especially dedicate this last little number to a very special lady I am privilaged to call my girlfriend." The vamp states, her eye looking directly at Nyx to give her a wink that brought out her beautiful smile.
"Maria, this is for you baby, I love you with all my heart. This song is called, Beautiful With You."

After announcing this and hearing the woo's of the people surrounding her one more time, even more when her fingers started playing her guitar on her lap, Nyx instantly felt touched by Lzzy's lyrics...

I stare at the girl in the mirror
T-shirt, torn up jeans, no beauty queen
But the way that you see me
You get underneath me
And all my defenses just fall away
Fall away...

She couldn't really say if it was Lzzy's beautiful voice, or the words she was singing with her beautiful voice. Either way, she began to feel a lump form deep inside her throat, mainly when she heard the chorus.

I am beautiful with you
Even in the darkest part of me
I am beautiful with you
Make it feel the way it's supposed to be
You're here with me
Just show me this and I'll believe
I am beautiful with you...

The witch was so moved and hypnotized, she didn't feel or notice the tear going down her soft cheek. With the way it almost glittered in the radiant moonlight as she stared up at the crescent moon, Tori did a double take as she caught a glimpse and empathically felt of her best friend's now saddend heart.
Without a second thought, she took a close hold of her, almost startling the wicked beauty...

"You okay?"
"Yeah I'm alright, don't worry about me. Right now would be a good time to have one more drink don't you think?" She said with a smile she had to put all her effort in and wiped her eye, careful not to ruin her sharp eyeliner.
Tori gave her a loving smile and locked arms with her...
"Definitely. Let's go."

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