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It was truly bad enough that the life of the supposedly "cursed" young witch was on the line.
Now Tori and Leigh-Anne were potentially going to lose theirs as well.
And from the looks of it along with the physically painful feeling of it all, there was certainly no escaping Michaelangelo's incredible and deadly strength.
The psychic could feel the way her throat was being brutally crushed and she didn't exactly need a mirror to know that her fair skinned face was now turning an ugly shade of blue, rapidly.

The sea creature on the other hand, was unfortunately used to this kind of pain.
Leigh was able to handle it with much less panic, not only for the years of suffering at the hands of the devils, but because she was not human like Tori.
Still though, even with her supernatural strength it was going to take a whole lot longer than she thought to be able to get the werewolf off both of them.

Luckily, this is why Mischief was sent by Nyx to keep a close eye on them.
And with him not being just an ordinary bird,
he was a big help as he swooped down from the one of the highest trees in the woods and with his own unusual strength he cawed really loud to the point where it boomed into Michael's ears and it made him scream in terror and pain.
The brute monster's body was then roughly shoved and knocked over, causing him to slam on to the ground and finally release his deadly grip on the young women.

Even though Leigh-Anne's ears were now ringing non stop, she quickly got up and helped up Tori and hurridly pushed her to stand behind her in a protective manner.
Michael was quick to get up even after the attack kind of left him affected.
But before he could even think about charging at them once more, he was taken by surprise with Leigh-Anne's strength as she grabbed a hold of him and lifted him up off the ground with such ease then she pinned him against one of the trees almost causing it to timber with how much rage she put into her move.

The alpha's already tattered clothing was now ripping more to shreds in her aggressive grip, leaving his chiseled body exposed to the cold moonlight.
Tori even had to look away for a moment so he wouldn't know she was a little bit drawn to him despite him being an asshole.
"Impressive, I didn't know little guppies like you could do this..."
"Oh I can do a lot more if you don't chose to stop attacking us and cooperate with me, dog."
"Is that a threat?"
"It's a promise." The mermaid affirmed, her sea green eyes glowing with pure anger at him, especially for putting his hands on a fragile human like Tori.

The male creature had to admit to himself that he was a bit intimidated on this inside.
Never in all his years of being stuck in the woods did he think that sirens had this much power to them.
Not really having any interactions with Leigh-Anne or her twin sister all these years made him feel like he definitely learned something new.
Leigh-Anne is a very good hearted monster though, she had quickly noticed his already injured body and she didn't have the heart to inflict any more physical pain upon him.
She knew all too well what that felt like and she had vowed to herself to never do that to a fellow creature unless she truly had to attack like he did to them.

Plus, she could feel the stress and fear in him.
Not only fear towards her in particular...
But fear from something else that clearly must've happened earlier and it was definitely uglier than she could imagine.
"Look, the last thing I want is to fight someone who has suffered and is still suffering like I did. So please just calm your temper and listen to what we have to say because this is of utmost importance!
And don't you dare ever hurt Tori like that again, or else I will not hesitate to kill you this time."
Michaelangelo couldn't help but smirk at the siren, deep down he actually admired her strength but he wasn't going to take her words lightly either.
Leigh-Anne only glared at him in return and gave him an aggravated purr.

Tori was finally able to stand up off the ground as she fully caught her breath and calmed the adrenaline inside of her.
Mischief was by her side and she gently took him into her hands, holding him close as if he were a newborn kitten.
"Thank you, Mischief..." She choked out the words, coughing once more and catching Leigh-Anne's attention with that.

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