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Not one person said a single word when the group left the park trail.
Tarja had all of their tongues caught in a knot after doing her big performance in Littleton.

Absolutely no amount of words could explain the heavy disappointment, anger, and sadness especially in Nyx's mind and heart.
There was not much chance to talk about what had happened, anyway...
Lzzy almost spiraled out of control again and they all had to get home as soon as possible before something much worse occured.

Although, absolutely nothing could top the witch of darkness.

The drive in the stolen tour bus felt like it took an eternity since they were very much far from Salem.
The only noise coming from the inside of the vehicle was the vampire mother's as she wailed and shivered the entire way in desperate need of blood.
Until finally, they arrived at the victorian looking house next to the witch's.

They had also noticed, without mentioning, that the black magic was so heavy and overwhelming that nobody felt themselves naturally heal up like they usually would until they had completely left the park.
And even that took miles for it to happen officially.

As soon as Sebastian made the bus come to a screeching hault, him and his brothers helped their mother come down and carry her to the house, the other creatures following closely behind to help somehow.

"We have a supply of blood bags stored up here, that should keep her calm for now, you grab what you need, meanwhile!" Seb told Nyx and she only nodded in agreement and rushed to her own place to grab some things to perform for her ritual to cleanse Lzzy.
She was gathering her things until she stopped for a mome, heavily feeling how exhausted she was now from her huge battle with Tarja.
But she knew she couldn't allow Lzzy to be like this any longer, it was way too crucial.

Still, everything was such a huge disaster and she could not help but feel awful for it.

Nyx didn't even notice Tori standing at the door of her room, watching her the whole time.
"Hey..." She softly spoke to her, making her head look up.
"You need some help?"
"No, it's alright. Don't worry about it."
"You sure? You look pretty worn out, Nyx.
I don't think you'll be able to do this on your own." She stated, and she was also quick to notice
the way the witch tried to swallow her anger with all her leftover strength.

The seer could also sense that thankfully, it wasn't towards her personally.
It was all towards herself, and she didn't like that one bit for her best friend.
"Yeah..." Nyx began, letting out a huff that sounded like laughter in disbelief...
"Apparently there's a lot of shit I can't do on my own, Tori."
"Don't say that-"
"Why not?! I almost got fucking killed in front of all of you tonight! I-"

The raven head immediately stopped herself mid sentence and tried to collect herself, taking a deep breath...
"You know what? I really don't want to talk about this right now. Lzzy needs me." She practically muttered and hurried to walk away.
"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it.
But please, just do me a favor."
"Please don't be mad at yourself for this." Tori replied once again as she followed her to Maria's bedroom where she grabbed the last of her ingredients.

Nyx side eyed the red head over her shoulder...
At first, her orbs were dimmed down, but then they softened up as she slowly turned to face her and approach her further.
"You know just when...just when I always think that I have them...
Just when I've finally gained a damn ounce of confidence...just when I think I'm going to win..."
She whispered in the last part, her hand balling up into a tight and trembling fist while also notibly fighting back tears.
The girl was so choked up, she couldn't bring herself to finish what she was saying.

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