- cowboy2.0 -

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You walk away, speechless from what the cowboy just said to you. your cheeks rosey-red from being flustered. Although you just met the guy, you dread the 20 minuted you gotta wait for him.

After 5 minutes you finally find your friends, hugging eachother. You turn around, aware that he probably asked her out.

You walk to where you were sitting, drinking the slurpy you bought, well vance bought. You watch all the racers get there horses ready, looking for a particular one.

After failing to find the cowboy, you get up to go find your friends again. After another 5 minutes you find them, lining up at some food truck.

You walk towards them, excited to tell them what happened when they left.

                        ★ ☆ ★ ☆

After telling them what happened you guys decide to walk towards the benches because it was gonna start soon.

"You gonna watch your little crush of yours the whole time?" Jade says watching you stare at the cowboy.

"No, im not even lookin' at him." You say, staring straight at him.

You weren't trying to be a creep, you were just so mesmerized from this guys gorgeous features.

His curly hair, his ocean blue eyes, his toned body and his voice.

"Hellooo? Your little boyfriend just got 2nd place, were you even watching?" Jade says. Your eyes widen as you see him going back in the gate.

"Yeah i was watching." You say.

                         ☆ ★ ☆ ★

You, jade and brandon grab your blanket, and walk towards the car as the races finally ended an hour later. Brandom and jade walk farther infront of you as you are behind them, hoping to see the cowboy again.

You drop your phone on the grass, bending over a bit to pick it up. As you get up you feel hands on your waist.

As you quickly turn around to slap the dude, you realise its the boy.

You sigh of relief.

"You don't mind if i do that to ya?" Vance says. You shake your head, a little flustered from the humiliation.

"You wouldnt mind if i did that to you while you ride me either? Ride me like a cowgirl." He says, bending over to whisper it in your ear.

You look around making sure no one heard that, your cheeks rosey-red and your breathe getting heavy.

"No i wouldnt mind." You say. You look around again, making eye contact with your ex bestfriend.

You smirk at her before looking back at vance.

"Heres my number, call me." He says, giving you a piece of paper and walking off.

You smile, big whilw you turn around walking back to the car where brandon and jade are.

You get to the car, sitting in the drivers seat.

"What did he say to you?" Jade says, smirking. Your cheeks turn rosey-red as you sit there in silence.

You dont reply to them but instead start driving, thinking of the guy.



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