- hallway boy -

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I'm so sorryyy for not making one sooner I have so much to do at school like what the heck like I handed in all my work and bro is making me do it all over again like whatt 😢

You hated school. Not the classes but a certain boy. You hated how he flirted with you, but you can't help but fall for the boy. It was stupid of you since it is the towns menace. You could never tell your friends about it since they also hated his guts.

Everyday, he'd follow you, saying dirty stuff. Something you couldn't expect him to be saying. You always acted like you didn't like it but deep inside, you'd do anything for the boy, wouldn't ya?

Your heart pounded as you walk to your class you have with the boy. Happy you were gonna see him. It is to bad you gotta act like you hate him though. Only your friend, Donna knew about your little crush on him.

You open the door to your math class, to see the boy right beside your seat. Your chest felt like it was about to explode as you walked to your seat, but your face was in disgust.

You sit down, looking straight at the board, trying your best not to look right at the boy, but his words made you flustered, maybe to much for ya.

"Your such a pretty little cunt, yeah? Hurts my heart to know you hate me but ill do anything for ya." The boy says,w whispering in your ear and giving you a little wink. You try so fucking hard to ignore him but you just can't stop yourself from smiling a bit.

He seems to notice cause he says something about it.

"I know you don't hate me. I know you want me as much as I want ya." He says, whispering in your ear, not caring if someone heard him. You smile even harder this time, not caring if your friends see you.

"Yeah,  I do."



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