- cheater but always back to you - $$

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You guys r 19 ok.. also this isn't really smut maybe a bit but it's not hardcore smut

You always knew Vance was a cheater. The day you got with him he cheated like a week later.

You fucking hated his guts, but you soon realised you can't just stop loving someone.

For a month, you've tried so hard to stop loving him by getting with other guys but you just wouldn't stop.

You soon got the courage to go up to him and ask him to get back with you, he of course said yes.

You and Vance would hang out with eachother at the Grab N Go and you would watch him play the pinball machine for hours.

It got boring at some times but you always found a way to keep yourself busy.

Sometimes when you couldn't find him anywhere, he was out fucking another girl.

You knew that. You just didn't wanna leave him cause how much you loved him.

It wasn't an obsession or anything like that. He was just a guy you always would wanna be with.

Everytime he was out, fucking different girls you would be waiting for him to come to your house to watch a movie.

Not that you didn't wanna fuck him, you did so desperately, you just weren't ready.

You thought, if you did fuck him, would he wanna stop seeing other girls? It was always on your mind every single day and night.

So you decide to test it out.

You get ready, trying so hard to look hot so Vance would wanna fuck you.

You always tried hard for Vance. You tried hard to look good all the time so he would only want you. You tried to be more rebellious so he would only want you.

They all never worked.

You walk outside your house, walking down the street towards vances house. You were pretty, you knew that cause guys would cat call you all the time.

But you weren't pretty enough for Vance to only want you. You wanted to be so pretty so he would just want you.

You walk for about 5 more minutes before finally stopping infront of his house. You take a quick breathe in before walking to the front door.

You knock, once or twice before you hear someone coming to the door. You knew it was Vance since his parents were never home. Never home to catch him fucking different girls at a time.

You stopped thinking about this once the door opens. You see Vance. Staring down at you, not just your eyes, maybe a few little glances at your tits.

"You wanna come in?" He asks. You nod your head before walking past him, going to go sit in the kitchen also grabbing a glass of water.

You drink up the water, spilling a bit on your shirt making it a bit see through. You were aiming for that hoping this would make him want you.

It did a bit as you watch his eyes make its way down to your chest. You enjoyed this, Making him stare at you instead of different girls.

You watch as he seems nervously desperate for something. Desperate for you, perhaps?

You watch him stare at you, before he gets up and grumbles.

You stare at him confusingly before he comes up to you and kisses you roughly, grabbing onto one of your tits and the table making it move a bit from his grip.

Your eyes widen from the sudden contact but soon you start kissing him back.

He pulls away, loosing contact with eachother. He breathes heavily while looking down.

"Your doing this shit on purpose." He says before putting his hand threw his curly blonde hair.

You stare at him. Why haven't you ever seen this side if Vance you ask yourself. Again, you just weren't ready yet until now.

You smirk slightly, happy you slightly fixed your problem. You just had to fix his problem from down there.

You get up from the chair, wanting to put him on the chair but suddenly gets pushed down onto the counter.

You smile to yourself, glad your finally loosing your Virginity. Especially with Vance. So glad your finally gonna make him yours instead of different girls.


My writting is getting better all the time I feel coooll, again this isn't very hardcore smut but it's something.. I got a few smuts in the drafts but so scared to publish em 💀

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