The Stakeout

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The Krew travelled all night before they finally arrived at a local Earth Kingdom desert village. Korra was leading on Naga, who occasionally stopped to sniff the ground as the others followed behind her in the jeep. Naga stopped to sniff the ground again. 

"Aiwei has definitely been through here." Korra declared before petting her dog, "Nice tracking, girl." 

"Let's ask around. Maybe someone's seen him." Mako said 

The Krew headed into a nearby tavern. But as the group entered, the other customers turned to glance at them. Bolin noticed something on the wall to his right and smiled. 

"Oh look, they have a mover poster of me. Must be big Nuktuk fans." He rubbed his hands together and grinned. "Yeah, I should go out and say hello ..." 

Mako quickly grabbed his brother's sleeve before he could walk away. 

"No. Those are wanted posters." Mako corrected

"And there's one for each of us." Elira frowned and gestured to the other posters on the wall. 

"Wanted by Her Majesty, the Earth Queen, for crimes against the Kingdom."Mako read one of the posters, turning to the others. Korra and Elira did not look happy. "I'm guessing this is because we took her airbenders." 

"They weren't hers to keep!" Elira exclaimed 

"I swear, if I see her pinchy little queen face again, I am gonna--" 

"Uh, guys?" Asami interrupted Korra's ranting 

The others turned to see various patrons of the bar still staring at them, and one man pulled out his sword while another showed off his spear. 

"We should get out of here." 

"Don't have to tell me twice", El muttered, grabbing Bolin's hand, and they all quickly left the tavern, Korra making an "I'm watching you" gesture to all the men in the tavern before she departed. 


Later that day, Naga ran down a windy road with Korra on her back, while Asami and the boys followed closely with the jeep and Elira and Pichi flew overhead. They followed Naga up a small slope before the polar bear dog stopped,  sniffing the ground for any scent near a bunch of rocks.

" Naga found something." Korra declared, dismounting Naga, who sat down as the jeep stopped and Elira and Pichi landed. 

Elira looked down the slope at the town below them and smiled 

"The Misty Palms Oasis. Gran-Gran and Grandpa Aang came here on their adventures!" She gasped in awe

Korra earthbent a giant boulder to the side, revealing Aiwei's jeep hidden behind a small clearing.

Naga then bumped her head on Korra, nudging her a little as she waited for her reward. 

" Oh ... Sorry, I forgot to bring treats. But, good girl," Korra affectionately rubbed the polar bear dog's face. 

Naga merely responded by whining and turning to walk away, whipping Korra in the face with her tail. 

Korra hunched her shoulders from Naga's cold shoulder attitude as Elira and the others walked up to the vehicle in the background. 

"This must be Aiwei's jeep. He can't be far." Asami said 

"Bolin and I will investigate the Misty Palms Oasis and see if he's hold up there." Mako declared, looking down the slope at the town. 

"Yes! I love it when you talk like a cop." Bolin grinned, folding his arms. 

"I'm coming too!" Elira excitedly held up her hand, bouncing on her feet. 

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