The Terror Within Pt. 2

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The next day, the interrogations began. El stood beside her friends and the Beifong sisters, watching as Aiwei questioned guard after guard.  

"I have absolutely no knowledge of the people who tried to kidnap Korra." A young guard said

Aiwei looked back at Lin and shook his head, signalling that this man was not the culprit. Korra looked at Lin defeatedly, and Lin nodded to Aiwei to question the next suspect. And that next suspect was Varrick.

"What was I doing last night? Same thing I always do. From nine to ten, I checked my body for ticks. Lyme disease is a serious killer. Then I did my nightly Varrick callisthenics" Everyone watched in disbelief as Varrick stood up with a leg on a chair and started exercising while demonstrating the workout."Followed by thirty minutes of breath-holding. I filmed the whole thing if you want to watch it."

"That won't be necessary", Aiwei sighed with a hand on his head

Varrick and Zhu Li left the interrogation room, passing by Korra and El, who had their hands over their mouths, looking as if they were about to laugh while Mako pinched his nose bridge from annoyance.

"Maybe it wasn't a guard after all. Maybe it was someone a little higher up the food chain. Aiwei, why don't you question Su?" Lin suggested, sending her sister a suspicious glance.

"Lin, stop. Your sister was not involved," El argued

"No, I'll gladly be questioned." Su cut in, walking over to the chair and sitting down opposite Aiwei" I have nothing to hide."

Aiwei looked to the side, looking a little reluctant but began the questioning. "What is your full name?"

"Suyin Beifong. I'm the daughter of Toph and the only sister to Lin, and I had nothing to do with the attack last night." Su said

"She is telling the truth." Aiwei turned to Lin

Korra sighed in frustration. "This is a waste of time! Just bring in the next guard!"

The next guard came in and sat down. He was pretty young, looking not that much younger than the Krew.

"Give me your name and tell me where you are from," Aiwei ordered

"I'm Hong Li. I was born and raised here in Zaofu." The guard replied

"Do you have any knowledge of the people who tried to kidnap the Avatar?"


Aiwei stiffened and leaned forward. "Did you help the attackers enter Zaofu last night?"

"No, of course not." Hong Li answered

"You're lying," Aiwei said, shocking everyone in the room. Hong Li the most.

"What?! No, I'm not!"

Su stormed up to him. "How did they get in and out?" She grabbed him by the armour and pulled him out of the chair, slamming him against the wall. "Where are they now?"

"I don't know! I'm telling you, I didn't help them!" Hong Li cried, fearfully

"You're a traitor to the entire clan!" Su yelled

"I suggest we search his place," Aiwei suggested, and Hong Li's eyes widened and quivered with fright.


The Krew were in Hong Li's apartment, accompanied by Aiwei, searching for clues. Bolin walked into the kitchen and opened the oven before closing it in disappointment. He stood up and opened a small cupboard above as Elira walked over.

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