Darkness Falls

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This wasn't good. Vaatu had escaped his prison! 

"Raava, nothing could stop this moment. Harmonic Convergence is upon us again." He laughed 

"I'm not going to let you fuse with Unalaq. You're going right back in that prison." Korra threatened 

Vaatu flew into the air before diving down towards Unalaq, who held his arms out ready to fuse with the spirit. 

Korra entered the Avatar State and stopped him with a large blast of fire before catching Unalaq with airbending, lifting him off the ground, and flinging him back through the portal.

Coming out of the Avatar State, she turned to her friends "Don't let Unalaq back in the Spirit World." 

"We're on it." El and the boys ran through the portal, and Korra turned back to Vaatu, who was charging right at her. 

She re-entered the Avatar State and charged at Vaatu via a thrust of firebending


"Jinora. Jinora's spirit do you hear me? It's your Uncle Bumi." Bumi called out as they wandered the Spirit World. 

"Ah, this isn't working. We can't just randomly wander the Spirit World, call out for Jinora, and expect to find her" Tenzin sighed "We need to find the Fog of Lost Souls" 

"You think El was right?" Kya asked 

"I do. She may not act like it at times, but she's smart and she knows the Spirit World better than any of us" Tenzin replied

"We just need to employ the simple rules of tracking."Bumi knelt down " First we locate Jinora's footprints ... then we follow them." 

" Do you even know what spirit footprints look like? Do spirits even leave footprints? Face it, your tracking skills won't work in the Spirit World" Ursa huffed 

"Let me try something" Kya sat down and began meditating before pointing in a direction " Jinora is over there. I feel a lot of spiritual energy coming from that direction." 

"We're in the Spirit World. There's spiritual energy in every direction." Bumi gestured around them. 

"Enough! We can't do this by ourselves. We need a spirit guide." Tenzin declared before walking off. The others quickly followed. 

"There," They approached a hole in the trunk of a large tree with a glowing star inside.

"Spirit, hello." Tenzin called "I'm sorry to disturb you, but I am in need of your assistance." 

"You dare wake me, human?" The spirit hissed " Humans in the Spirit World belong in one place only!" 

The spirit, a huge dark spider, emerged from the hole and charged at the humans who quickly ran away as the spirit shot webbing out of its mouth. 

The four ran through the bushes at the edge of a cliff before jumping off just as the spider spirit caught up with them. 

Falling through trees, they landed in a heap below, dazed.

"Well, that didn't work. Now, where are we?" Bumi questioned, brushing himself off as Tenzin airbent everyone to their feet.

"We're completely lost." Tenzin sighed 


Outside the spirit portal, El and the boys were alert and ready. The boys glanced at each other as El kept her gaze locked on the forest in front of them. 

Suddenly a barrage of rapid ice spikes attacked the trio from behind them. 

El gasped and sent the spikes away with a swipe of air. But as soon as they were gone, more ice spikes took their place. 

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