Harmonic Convergence

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Daybreak soon arrived but Elira had not left Jinora's side. When Kya came to attempt to heal the young girl, El was sat by the tub watching in silent worry as her sister remained unresponsive. 

Out on the deck, Bumi was playing a flute next to Oogi as Korra practised her airbending, with Tenzin, Zira and Mako watching. Bolin then approached his brother wearing a large purple coat and eating a piece of pie. 

"What's up with the coat? And where did you get that pie?" Mako asked 

"It's a Varrick ship, you never know what you're gonna find. There's a whole level filled with fun-house mirrors. Of course, there's also the catgator deck" Bolin turned around, showing his coat had a large hole in it

" I miss that guy, he really knew how to make a long trip interesting. By the way, have you seen El anywhere? I wanna show her the funhouse room. Try and, you know, get her mind off things" 

"I haven't seen her since last night. She's probably watching over Jinora" Mako shook his head

"I'm worried about her" Bolin sighed, looking to the side before changing the subject

 "So, have you told Korra yet about how you guys broke up, and you kinda started dating Asami while she was off getting attacked by dark spirits?" 

"Will you keep it down?" Mako hissed " And you're one to talk. When are you gonna tell El you feel the same way about her?" 

"I'll tell her once this is all over. Right now, all she's concerned about is saving Jinora" Bolin explained "And stop avoiding the question. Why won't you tell Korra?"  

Mako crossed his arms "I'm...waiting for the right moment" 

"Oh Mako" Bolin smirked and placed a hand on his brother's shoulder "You know a wise man once told me that delivering bad news to a girlfriend was like ripping off a blood-sucking leech: you just have to do it fast and get it over with" 

"I hate it when you listen to me" Mako groaned " Fine! " 

"Unalaq will be waiting for you. You'll need all of your Avatar power to stop him." Tenzin declared as Korra attacked the target in front of her. 

" I'm going to close the spirit portals, lock Vaatu in for another ten thousand years, and make Unalaq wish he'd never been born!"  Using her firebending, Korra blasted the head off the practice target making it land in front of Mako's feet. 

He picked it up with a worried expression as Korra approached. 

"Thanks, Mako," She said, taking the head 

"Uh ... Um ..." Mako stuttered when she went to walk away 

"Did you want something?" Korra looked over her shoulder 

"Uh no, no, nothing." 

Korra looked at him strangely before going back to her training. As soon as she had walked away, Mako groaned in frustration and Bolin slid to his side smirking. 

"Weren't you going to find El?" The firebender huffed 

Bolin just continued to smirk, holding his hands up in defence as he left to find his best friend. 


Up in Jinora's room, El had changed her sister out of her wet clothes and was tucking her back into bed after her healing session. Not that it did much help. Her sister was slipping away, she could feel it. Pichi hopped up onto the bed, laying down beside Jinora's still form with a sad chitter.  

El gently moved some of her sister's hair out of her face, her eyes glistening. 


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