Night Of A Thousand Stars pt. 2

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In the president's booth, Raiko and his wife were happily watching the mover.

"You're too late Nuktuk. Soon, my doomsday device will shoot this block of ice into the Earth's core, freezing the entire planet, and I will be ruler of Ice Earth!" Evil Unalaq laughed diabolically.

" I don't think so," Nuktuk replied

Suddenly, Raiko and his wife were pulled backwards by unseen figures clasping their hands over their mouths to restrain them from making a sound.

The figures, now seen to be Northern soldiers, tied up the already gagged couple as the president's guards were slumped unconscious against the wall next to the door.

As the soldiers finished their job and turned to guide the presidential couple out, the door of the booth slammed to the floor revealing Bolin on the other side.

"I don't think so" He glared at the soldiers.

Buttercup managed to wriggle out of her gag and screamed as Actress Ginger screamed simultaneously in the mover.

One of the soldiers sent a water blast in Bolin's direction, but he acrobatically flipped out of the way.

As he landed, he used his momentum to dislodge a slab of rock from the wall behind him and hurled it at his attacker.

The waterbender was hit square in the chest and thrown out of the booth, plunging into the water, screaming.

The audience gasped and turned in the direction of the noise.

"What was that?" El muttered as the noise caught her and Lin's attention. The chief of police narrowing her eyes in suspicion.

Back in the booth, Bolin punched the floor, crackling the ground with an earth wave which threw the three remaining waterbenders against the ceiling. When they landed on the floor, Bolin threw another punch straight forward, throwing the three soldiers out of the booth, landing with heavy thuds on the metal bridge which allowed access to the playing field from the players' locker.

"Mister President, get back, I'm here to help." Bolin quickly untied the president and his wife and Buttercup hugged her husband.

Without hesitation, he ran to the edge of the booth and jumped down. He landed in a crouch, ripping the sleeves of his suit as he did.

Standing back up, he tore off his sleeves off completely, a determined look adorning his face before cracking his neck and walking forward toward the three assailants standing in the ring.

"Looks like there's nowhere to go." He smirked

Above, Elira softly gasped upon seeing him "Bolin?"

One of the soldiers sent a stream of water at Bolin from the playing area, but he managed to dodge the attack and the audience gasped in fear.

Lin turned to her officers "Secure the president and Lady Azira and call for backup immediately!"

"No! Gran-Gran can handle herself, focus on protecting the president" El turned away from the fight in front of them.

"Elira, we don't know if these attackers are just after the president. It's too risky, we shouldn't underestimate them!" Lin argued

"I'm not" Elira smirked "You're underestimating my grandmother"

Without another word, El opened her glider and flew towards the ring where Bolin was avoiding more attacks.

He bent out three earth discs and each disc at a waterbender.

One of them got hit and was incapacitated while the remaining two continued attacking.

Bolin dodged one of the waterbender's attacks, while on the screen, Nuktuk avoided Unalaq's attack in a similar fashion.

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