The Revelation Pt. 1

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It had been a few days since Tenzin had caught Korra and Elira at the arena and agreed to let them continue going. Things had been running smoothly since then and El had been sticking to the agreement she had with her father. Airbender training in the morning after breakfast, then accompanying Korra to the arena and spending the rest of the day with her friends before heading home in the evening for dinner.  

As of right now, it was early in the morning, and the Ferrets were once again in the gym training while Elira watched from the sidelines. 

"What's the big idea with making me train this early in the morning?" Korra complained, catching a ball thrown at her 

"I completely agree. The morning is evil," Elira groaned, sitting on the floor watching with Pabu on her lap while making small air balls with her bending for Pichi to chase after

"We're the rookies", Bolin replied, catching the ball Korra tossed to him", so we get the worst time slot in the gym." 

" And you're the rookiest of us all", Mako added, catching the ball from Bolin " We gotta get you up to speed if we wanna survive in the tournament. Deal with it." 

He threw the ball at Korra, annoyed 

"You deal with it!" Korra aggressively tossed the ball back to Mako, hitting him hard in the stomach, flinging him backwards in a flip, and causing him to land hard on his back, groaning. 

"And that, my friend, is why you should never give attitude to the Avatar", Elira breathed out a small laugh. 

"There are my little hard-working street urchins." A man then walked into the gym, smirking 

Elira got up from the floor as the man walked over to them. Pichi and Pabu followed her, the fire ferret climbing onto Bolin's shoulder while Pichi perched herself on El's. 

 The man finally noticed El's presence with the group and smiled "Hey, my favourite cheerleader! How you been, kid? Heard you got into a little trouble with the cops couple days ago." 

Elira returned the smile "I'm doing alright. My dad managed to clear it up, thankfully." 

The man then turned to Korra placing his hand on her shoulder. "It's an honour to finally meet you, Avatar." 

"And you are ...?" Korra asked

"Butakha. I run this whole pro-bending shebang," The man introduced, tipping his hat off in greeting.

Korra then walked away looking annoyed as Buthakha took a wad of cash out of his inner pocket "Here's your winnings from the last match" 

He placed it into the outstretched hand of an eager Mako. The firebender moved to put it away, but Butakha raised a finger "Ah ah ah, not so fast. First, you owe me for the Avatar's new gear." 

He took some money from the pile in Mako's hand 

"Gym and equipment rentals from last month" He took more money

"Rent on your apartment" Elira watched, dismayed as the pile got smaller and smaller 

"And a personal loan for groceries" Butakha took the last of the money from Mako's hand 

Mako stared sadly at his empty hand before he and El turned to look accusingly at Bolin. 

"What? I'm a growing boy!" He rubbed his stomach 

"Oh, and one more small item of business: The Fire Ferrets need to ante up thirty thousand Yuans for the championship pot," Butakha explained 

"30,000 Yuans?!" Elira and Bolin gasped 

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