Welcome to Republic City Pt.1

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"Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? It looks like we're there. I know it; this is very familiar! Are we here yet? Are we here yet? Ooh, please tell me we're here!" Elira sighed in annoyance at her little sister's constant talking. She was bouncing excitedly in her seat as Oogi began to lower to the snowy landscape beneath them.

"Yes, Ikki, as I've been telling you for the last fifteen minutes, we are, finally, here", Tenzin sighed, relieved.

"Whee!" Elira laughed as her sisters jumped out of the saddle on air scooters, riding down Oogi's tail. Elira's ring-tailed lemur Pichi chittered and flew after them.

Elira moved to the edge of the saddle and held her hand out to her pregnant mother to help her off. "Want some help, Mom?"

"No, that's okay, sweetie. I can manage" Pema smiled.

"You sure?"

"Elira, honestly, you're as bad as your father sometimes. I can get down by myself. Go greet your grandmother and aunt," Pema insisted with a small chuckle.

"If you say so", Elira shrugged and jumped onto an air scooter, riding down Oogi's tail after her siblings.

"Hello, Mother. Aunt Katara," Tenzin walked up to his mother and aunt, holding his hand up in greeting with Meelo still on his head and Ikki and Jinora tugging on his arms."I can't tell you how happy I am to see you...Please, help me."

Azira chuckled and picked up Meelo off her son's shoulders.

"Unhand me, strange woman!" The boy yelled, waving his arms about

"That's our grandmother, Meelo", Elira sighed as Pichi landed on her shoulder.

Meelo nimbly pushed off on Azira's hand, who looked surprised, and somersaulted above her head. He landed on the ground behind her before dashing away.

"It's so good to see all of you." Katara smiled warmly

"Hello, Gran Gran, Aunt Katara", Elira smiled back, hugging the two old ladies tightly.

"Elira, look at you. I swear you get more gorgeous every time I see you," Azira chuckled, making her granddaughter laugh.

"Gran-Gran, I've been reading all about your old adventures" Jinora looked up at her grandmother and great-aunt in awe " I've been dying to ask you: What happened to Great Gran Ursa?"

The old woman smiled softly at her. "Well, Jinora, it's an incredible tale--"

Ikki suddenly jumped in front of them, jumping and talking excitedly. "Gran-Gran, Auntie Katara, you look old. How old are you? And why is it so cold in the South Pole? Can we make a campfire and all huddle around it and tell scary stories and make snowmen? And then, can we make the snowmen move with waterbending and chase us? Wouldn't that be fun? Huh? Wouldn't it?"

Elira simply rolled her eyes at her hyperactive sister.

Tenzin noticed Pema sliding down Oogi's tail slowly, and he quickly rushed over to help her.

"Pema, let me help you. Careful now. Careful"

"Stop doting on me", Pema huffed. "I'm not helpless. I'm just pregnant."

The two looked down, smiling lovingly at Pema's pregnant stomach.

Azira and Katara walked up to the couple. Azira hugged her daughter-in-law before Katara placed a hand on her baby bump.

"The baby's strong. I see another airbender in your future" She smiled while Pema looked a little unhappy.

"All I want is one child like me, a nice nonbender who doesn't blast wind in my face every five seconds", She complained.

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