Endgame! Part 1

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Elira sat behind Bolin in Naga's saddle as the polar bear dog ran along the snowy ground.  Hearing the buzzing of biplanes, she glanced up and saw one fly above them.

The group stopped on an overhanging cliff and saw the airfield in the near distance. 

"I think we've found our secret airfield," Iroh said before turning to Bolin "Bolin, once we get down there, I need you to tear up those runways. We can't let those aircraft take off." 

 "Aye aye, captain!" Bolin saluted and Elira nudged him slightly 

"Ooh, general, general." He corrected, suddenly standing up straight and hurriedly did another salute. 

The others walked off and Elira turned to the animals when she heard Naga whine. 

"All right, you guys wait here until we get back, okay?" Naga went to follow her, but Elira held up her hand " Uh-uh, stay"

Naga whined again and Pabu and Pichi chittered as the Polar bear dog lay on the ground. 

"Good girl, we won't be long" El smiled and ran after the others. 

The group headed down the hill and approached the Equalist base perimeter fence. Elira glanced around confused. There were posts but no wires.

"Why would there be fence posts but no fence?" Asami wondered suspiciously 

Elira tilted her head slightly, her eyes widening when her advanced hearing picked up the faint sound of electricity buzzing. 


She grabbed Bolin's arm just as he and the others went into the middle of the fence posts. 

They all cried out in pain as electricity shot through their bodies until they collapsed onto the ground unconscious.


When the group were locked in a cell in the base. Asami was laying on the floor while Iroh and Bolin were tied back to back. 

But Elira was nowhere in sight. 

Bolin lifted his head groggily, looking around and his eyes widening when he didn't see his best friend.  

Hiroshi Sato approached the jail cell

 "Asami" He called. His daughter groaned as she stirred and sat up. 

" Asami, I know I have hurt you ... and I am sorry. But I believe that one day, you will come to your senses and we can be a family again" 

"Are you insane?!" Asami snapped angrily "How can we be a family after everything you've done?! Mom would hate you for what you've become." 

"How dare you? I am avenging her death!" Hiroshi roared, gripping the bars 

"Where's El?! What have you done with her?!" Bolin yelled, glaring at the man. 

Hiroshi turned to the boy with a scowl "That parasite is headed back to the city, where Amon will be very pleased to see her"  

The trio gasped in shock, Bolin struggling against the ropes. 


"You can't do that!" 

"El's done nothing! Leave her alone!" 

Hiroshi ignored their cries as an Equalist came up behind him "The aeroplanes are ready for take-off, sir." 

"Good, annihilate the fleet," Hiroshi ordered and Iroh and Bolin gasped, sharing a look of confusion and shock.

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