Endgame! Part 2

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Back in the arena, Amon stood over a now weakened Korra.

"Finally, you are powerless." He sneered

Korra attempted to hit Amon but was too weak from the loss of her bending to do it and missed.

"Amon!" Amon's eyes widened as the voice of the Lieutenant came from behind him.

"Everything the Avatar said is true, isn't it? I just saw you bloodbend her" The Lieutenant removed his mask, dropping it to the floor before smashing the goggles with his foot.

He gritted his teeth angrily "You traitor! I dedicated my life to you!"

The Lieutenant took out his kali sticks and ran forward to attack Amon.

Right before he could land a hit, however, Amon glared at him and lifted him into the air with bloodbending.

"You've served me well, Lieutenant." Amon flung his arm and cast the Lieutenant aside into a pile of wood.

He turned and headed toward Mako, bloodbending him to his knees intending to take his bending.

But as Amon stopped in front of the firebender, Mako managed to electrocute him with lightning strong enough to throw him away, crashing into the wall.

Now free from the bloodbending grip, Mako sent two firebending blasts at Amon, but the blasts hit the surrounding wood and trapped the bloodbender.

Mako then ran over and picked up Korra, before carrying her bridal style out into the hallway.

"Mako ... my bending." Korra muttered weakly "I...I promised El I'd..."

" Everything will be all right! We just need to get out of here." Mako huffed, continuing to run.

He suddenly grunted in pain, freezing to a halt and dropping Korra sliding along the floor.

Amon stood behind Mako and used bloodbending to toss the teen around like a ragdoll into the walls and ceiling before letting him fall to the ground beaten.

"I'm impressed. No one has ever gotten the better of me like that" Amon approached the boy, bloodbending him into a kneeling position "It is almost a shame to take the bending of someone so talented"

He stood over Mako as Korra stirred, lifting her head up.


Amon grabbed Mako's neck and Korra gasped when he went to place his free hand on his forehead.

" NO!" Korra stood up and instinctively threw a punch at Amon.

Suddenly a blast of air shot down the corridor and slammed into Amon and Mako, sending them flying. Mako landed against the wall as Amon was sent skidding backwards.

Despite the mask, it was obvious that he was for once completely stunned. " Impossible!"

Korra was leaning against the wall and glanced down at her hands in surprise "I - I can airbend?... I can airbend!"

She stood up straight and attacked Amon with a flurry of air blasts.

Despite his attempts to block, he was flung to the ground and slid to a stop on his side in front of a window.

He growled in annoyance and stretched out his hand, immediately halting Korra's progression with his bloodbending.

Amon stood up and strengthened his grip on Korra, now using both hands. The Avatar's face contorted in pain and the effort it cost to resist his hold.

"No ... you ... don't" She struggled "I...made a...promise!"

Korra broke out of Amon's bloodbending grip and punctuated the last word with an airbending-infused kick that slammed into him, blasting him out of the window behind him.

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