Rebel Spirit pt.2

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That night, Elira sat around a table with her family in a grand hall. She was staring down at her plate, which was left half-eaten in front of her, in deep thought. She didn't even react when Meelo thought it would be funny to start throwing peas at her and their sisters from across the table, resulting in the three arguing.

"Who I train with should be my decision, Dad, not yours or Tenzin's!" The sound of Korra snapping at her father finally made her look up. The Avatar was sitting with her parents, Unalaq, and his children at the head table.

"Looks like someone's trying to take your place as the Avatar's stick-in-the-mud mentor." Bumi teased Tenzin, elbowing him slightly.

"Bumi, don't pick on Tenzin. You know he's always been sensitive." Kya smirked

" I'm not sensitive!" Tenzin scowled, crossing his arms defensively.

"Sure, and Dad wasn't the Avatar" Ursa teased, poking Tenzin's side as they all laughed.

From across the table, Zira watched as her children and niece teased each other, holding a sleeping Rohan in her arms.

"They're as bad as you and your siblings were...Still are as bad" Katara whispered from beside her

Zira let out a small chuckle "I don't know what you're talking about, Tara."

Unalaq stood up from his seat and the room fell silent. "As your chief, it is my honour to speak at this festival, which was founded to bring our tribes together and restore the ancient balance between our world and that of the spirits. But I am saddened to see what it has become: a cheap carnival that celebrates greedy and trivial humans. I feel the time is fast approaching when the North can no longer stand idly by while our Southern brothers slip into total spiritual decay. Angry spirits are already attacking ships in your waters. I only hope we are not too late to change course."

The hall began muttering amongst themselves as Unalaq sat down, and Varrick stood up to give a speech of his own. "Chief Unalaq, everybody, always great to have him in town. Now, let's have some fun with Wacky Wushu's Dancing Otter penguins!"

A man dressed in purple with his face painted with clown make-up danced onto the stage and bent a stream of water onto the platform. Three otter penguins slid along the water before sliding back, stopping in front of Wushu, and all four of them took a bow.


Later that evening, Elira was back at the festival grounds accompanied by Bolin, Mako and Korra. She was marvelling at the beautiful festival lights around her. Mako fed Korra some cotton candy, which she greatly enjoyed, before feeding some back, much to Bolin's annoyance, who was eating some balled food off a stick.

Bolin turned his head away, and his eyes widened when he spotted Eska and Desna standing beside each other alone, surveying the people walking past.

Bolin cleared his throat and smirked, nudging Elira with his elbow to get her attention. "El, be my wingman?"

"You mean, your wing-woman" The airbender corrected teasingly

"That's what I said."

"I-I don't know about this time, Bo", Elira muttered, playing with her hair

"Please, El", Bolin begged, giving the airbender puppy eyes

Elira sighed in defeat. Why could she not say no to this boy? "Okay, fine. But only because I know you can't flirt to save your life."

"Yes!" Bolin cheered before handing Mako his food. "Wish me luck. I'm making my move!"

He took a stance as if he was going to dash away before running off with his arms spread out. "Whee!"

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