The Last Secret Part 1

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Hornet: (narrating) 4.5 billion years ago, an astral body the size of Mars slammed into the Earth. The debris that flew from our planet became stuck in Earth's gravity and formed our moon. That's right. The moon is just a part of the Earth, separated forever, always drawn back towards us, longing to reconnect. It is said to increase fertility, create chaos and cause people to do things they would never normally do. No one knows why things get so weird when the moon is full, why it makes people act so crazy. All I know is that on this night, the one night you need to be ready for anything is a night when the moon is full.



Mr. Wolf: Yeah! I'm bad!

Mr. Snake: You're bad!

Ms. Tarantula: He's bad!

Mr. Hornet: She's bad!

Mr. Piranha: We're bad!

Mr. Shark: Who's bad?

The Bad Guys: Yeah!
We're the Bad Guys!


At the Bad Guys' hideout, tonight would be an exciting night. It's movie night! And the Bad Guys were getting ready to make themselves comfortable before watching some movies. They had to gather some good snacks that would last all night, a bunch of movies that they can possibly watch, and some pillows and blankets just in case they might fall asleep in the middle of a movie.

Wolf was popping popcorn seeds in a pan with its cover on top to prevent the popcorn from spilling out, "Alright, guys. We need a lot of popcorn for that movie night, tonight!" he announced while putting the popcorn in a large bowl

Snake groaned in exhaustion as he replaced the popcorn bowl with an empty one for Wolf to fill, "I do need a movie night, after the weird day that had happened yesterday."

Wolf snickered, "Come on, Snake. We all didn't want that to happen."

"Uh, no, you want that to happen. We know one of us didn't want that to happen."

"Oh, he'll thank me later what those two are together. Trust me, I know what I'm doing."

"Huh, the last time we trust you, or at least, HE trust you was when you bailed on us at the gala."

"Ugh, now you're sounding just like Hornet. Get over it!"

"A year is not going to let me get over it. It's not over, Wolf!"

While Wolf and Snake argued in the kitchen, Tarantula was carrying a tower of CD movies while crawling across the room, and Shark brought dozens of pillows and blankets to get ready for movie night.

Piranha, however, just standing there while holding a plate of nachos. He kept Horneting around the room; Horneting at Wolf snickering and Snake scolding; Horneting at Tarantula placing the CDs beside the CD player while wiping her forehead. Piranha's face Hornetted to sweat, and he looked dumbfounded and uncomfortable.

"Hey, Piranha," Shark's voice was heard as he was standing next to Piranha, "Whatcha doin'?"

"Shark, can I ask you something? Why are our friends acting like everything's normal?" Piranha asked.

The Bad Guys season 1: Our Own StoryWhere stories live. Discover now