Luggins Bunnies

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This is another chapter that would focus on Chief Luggins and the Bad Guys.



Mr. Wolf: Yeah! I'm bad!

Mr. Snake: You're bad!

Ms. Tarantula: He's bad!

Mr. Hornet: She's bad!

Mr. Piranha: We're bad!

Mr. Shark: Who's bad?

The Bad Guys: Yeah!
We're the Bad Guys!


At the cafe, Chief Luggin took a seat with her coffee and donut as she took a break from her work, but unfortunately, she received a present from earlier and brought it to the cafe to open it there.

Coincidentally, the Bad Guys were there too to get some coffee, but surprisingly, they encountered her at the same cafe too. They couldn't help but be curious what the chief was doing. When they got their coffee, they decided to approach her, supposedly to tease her, but they were still curious about the box.

"Ooh, Chief got a present," Wolf started, making Chief Luggins get his attention. For today, she decided not to torment the bad guys as she lost her mood since she received the package

"'What's in the box?' Brad Pitt, Se7en," Shark quoted "But seriously, what's in the box?"

"The worst thing in the world," Chief Luggins pulled out a baby bunny from the box.

The other Bad Guys didn't understand why the rabbit was the "worst thing in the world" to Chief Luggins since they thought they were the worst things in the world to her. Snake, however, flicked his tongue at the sight of the baby rabbit. As a snake, he also eats baby rabbits.

The baby rabbit then made a cute squeak, making the chief yell angrily, "Shut up, stupid."

"Okay, so who sent you a bunny and why do you hate it?" Tarantula asked.

"It's not a bunny," Chief Luggins explained, "It's a slap in the face for something that happened 21 years ago. 2002. I'd just made detective."


"I was really excited about my first day, but the guys in the squad were a bunch of jerks."

Young Detective Luggins arrived at the counter of the police station with a box of things in her arms, "Hi, I'm Misty Luggins. Which desk is mine?"

"Solve a case, then you get a desk," a detective smirked

"They were like that about a lot of stuff."

When Young Detective Luggins walked down the hall with a cup of coffee, the same detective guy took her coffee, and said, "Whoa, solve a case, then you get coffee."

When Young Detective Luggins signed a birthday card, the same detective took the birthday card, and told her, Solve a case, then you can sign Debbie's birthday card.

*end of flashback*

"Sounds like you needed to solve a case," Piranha said

Chief Luggins continued her story, "Exactly, so I picked the biggest one I could find: a string of B&Es, all with the same M.O. Lady climbed in through high-rise windows. After a month, I found my suspect: Fiona Cartwright. Ex-gymnast with a criminal record. I tracked down my gymnast, and got SWAT to surround her building. There was no way anything could go wrong."

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