Fancy Schmancy

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I am very very sorry I was a day late with the actual posting schedule. I was doing homework in History Class, and I forgot that yesterday was the day. So, I had a chance to edit some grammatical errors, and here we go! Enjoy!



Mr. Wolf: Yeah! I'm bad!

Mr. Snake: You're bad!

Ms. Tarantula: He's bad!

Mr. Hornet: She's bad!

Mr. Piranha: We're bad!

Mr. Shark: Who's bad?

The Bad Guys: Yeah!
We're the Bad Guys!


One morning, at the Los Angeles Police Department, Chief Luggins was doing some paperworks while still having a huge board with every fact, image, story, and article about the Bad Guys behind her.

A cop entered her office with a letter in his hand, "Chief Luggins, it's for you."

When he handed it over to her, Luggins took it, and read whose letter was it from, "Oh, it's a letter from my fancy private high school," when she opened the envelope, a lot of white doves flew all over the place.

Then, a man with a clean tuxedo came into the office, and extended a hand to the envelope, "I'll take this envelope to the refuse, madam."

"Oh, thank you, letter butler," The chief of police said before giving the envelope to the butler as he casually walked out of the office.

"What's that all about?" Officer Bob asked.

"Oh, it's an invitation to my high school reunion. I went to Fancington University for rich and famous girls," Chief Luggins replied.

"Nice," Officer Bob smiled as he read the invitation the chief was holding, "And it says here you need to take someone to the reunion, like a group of friends or a partner."

But Luggins wasn't too excited about it, "Do people bring escorts or friends to these things?"

"You're not thinking of going without Commissioner Griffin, are you?"

"Honestly, Officer Bob, these girls come from old money, so they can be pretty stuffy and judgmental. Plus, Commissioner Griffin is really busy for a moment. He is the commissioner after all."

"Well, I'm still available."

When Officer Bob volunteered while leaning his back against a wall with his legs crossed, Chief Luggins looked from the waist down that her fellow cop was also a mess with stains on his uniform, and flies buzzing all over him.

"Uh..." Luggins hesitated to tell Officer Bob how she described him.

But he didn't need to know since he could tell by the look on the chief's face, "If not, why don't take any of us?"

When he pointed to the window of the door, Officer Bob pointed the other cops outside of her office, who were loudly talking, laughing, eating donuts, and drinking cups of coffee in a messy way. The chief noticed how loud and improper they could be, and they would be easily criticized. That where she realized she couldn't take any of her fellow cops.

The Bad Guys season 1: Our Own StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon