Shark's Dorsal Fin

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Mr. Wolf: Yeah! I'm bad!

Mr. Snake: You're bad!

Ms. Tarantula: He's bad!

Mr. Hornet: She's bad!

Mr. Piranha: We're bad!

Mr. Shark: Who's bad?

The Bad Guys: Yeah!
We're the Bad Guys!


At the Bad Guys' Hideout. the gang was experimenting with a little game as they wanted to challenge themselves with a new rule.

Wolf wore a blindfold on his forehead as he smirked, "Prepare to meet your doom, guys!" He pulled the blindfold over his eyes.

"You're messing with the wrong Bad Guy," Snake grinned evilly as he wrapped a blindfold around his head to cover his eyes.

"I'm warning you, I'm an expert in this kind of fight!" Piranha chuckled as he tied his blindfold around his eyes.

"Better think twice, I'm so fast!" Hornet warned as he pulled his blindfold to cover his eyes.

"Well, I may be small on the floor, but I'm smarter to beat all of you, boys!" Tarantula said proudly as she wrapped her eyes with a blindfold.

"Let's get dangerous, baby!" Shark exclaimed excitedly as he tied his blindfold from behind, covering his eyes.

"Three..." Tarantula and Hornet each held up their tiny pillows, and fluffed them.

"Two..." Shark and Piranha held their pillows, and fluffed them

Wolf and Snake held each of their pillows, fluffed them, and announced, "One, go!"

Yelling, the Bad Guys ran towards one another while holding their pillows. However, because they were blindfolded. They didn't see each other as they accidentally passed each other, and swung their pillows wildly, not knowing they never hit their targets. The Bad Guys continued to slam their pillow on nothing and no one, until there was a sound of slicing and a thud.

"Uh-oh." The Bad Guys recognized that sound as they stopped their game to check what was going on.

"What was that, amigos?" Piranha asked as they all removed their blindfolds.

When the five Bad Guys turned around, they noticed Shark was in front of the ancient guillotine, and cringed in shock, "Ooh!"

"What is it?" Shark turned to his friend where his dorsal fin was severed, and was now on the floor.

Not wanting Shark to worry and panic, the Bad Guys grinned nervously, pretending nothing bad happened.

"Uh... Nothing, at all. Nothing," Wolf sweated nervously

"Yeah, hermano, why do you ask?" Piranha chuckled sheepishly.

But Shark didn't buy that as he gave his friends a suspicious glare, "Oh, it's something," He walked towards the mirror, and saw his reflection, "Hmm..." He buffed a tooth, then checked his snout, and turned a little. There he noticed the sliced remains on the back of his head, then slowly turned around to see his dorsal fin on the floor. He touched the back of his head..., then screamed in panic when he realized one part of him was severed from his head.

The Bad Guys season 1: Our Own StoryWhere stories live. Discover now