Clutter and Down

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Hey guys, I'm back. Sorry it's been a long rest. I need more time to finish some of my upcoming chapters of the Bad Guys season 1.

So, here's a new chapter. Hope you'll like it.



Mr. Wolf: Yeah! I'm bad!

Mr. Snake: You're bad!

Ms. Tarantula: He's bad!

Mr. Hornet: She's bad!

Mr. Piranha: We're bad!

Mr. Shark: Who's bad?

The Bad Guys: Yeah!
We're the Bad Guys!


It's another peaceful morning in Los Angeles. The sun has risen, brightening up the city. In their hideout, the Bad Guys had a peaceful sleep. It was hard to get this early wonderful morning. It would be best to just stay in bed for a couple of hours, purposely trapping themselves in their dreamlands, and... hoping that they would come true.

Snake was cuddling his little blanket as he slept happily, until

"Wake up, everyone!" Wolf shouted, making Snake shake awake on his bed.

Wolf then burst into Piranha's room, "Rise and shine!" Piranha was startled awake as he jumped up, and his head banged on the ceiling.

Wolf then came into Shark's room, and yelled, "It's that time of the year again!" Shark woke up, also startling, and rolled down the bed.

A minute later, all five Bad Guys woke up tiredly, and walked out of their rooms with Wolf standing in the middle of the living room excitidly, and waiting for his friends' attention. There were objects and big boxes everywhere.

"Ugh, what is it, Wolfie?" Tarantula groaned exhaustingly.

"Yeah. what gives, chico?!" Piranha snapped, feeling cranky this early morning.

"Why did you wake up at this time of hour? You know we spent the whole night stopping criminals out there last night," Shark reminded.

"Get ready, guys, because today is the day... It's Spring Cleaning time!" Wolf declared enthusiastically.

But the Bad Guys weren't so excited as Wolf was as they showed their deadpanned faces.

"Seriously?! That's what you've been waking us up for?" Snake hissed.

"Plus, Wolf, it's Summer," Hornet corrected.

"Oh! Better late than ever, right?" Wolf grinned sheepishly,

"Why are you so interested in cleaning anyway? I mean, you already cleaned up the place since we... you know, 'turned good'," Snake recalled.

Wolf held out a book to show his friends, and said, "Everyone, I just read this book I found at the bookstore, and it was really inspiring. It says that when you de-clutter your house, you de-clutter your mind and clear a path to true happiness. So I want everyone to go through every single item you own, and if it doesn't kindle joy, throw it away." Wolf demonstrated as he took out an old grayish-blue sweater, "See? This sweater, it's okay, but it doesn't kindle joy. I'm throwing it out," he threw the sweater into the box to throw it out.

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