Red With Envy

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Hey guys! Sorry I posted a little late. I was working on another chapter while I'm still at school and I delayed my time posting. Well, here it is. I hope I can write my next chapter faster.



Mr. Wolf: Yeah! I'm bad!

Mr. Snake: You're bad!

Ms. Tarantula: He's bad!

Mr. Hornet: She's bad!

Mr. Piranha: We're bad!

Mr. Shark: Who's bad?

The Bad Guys: Yeah!
We're the Bad Guys!


Shark and Piranha went down by the waterfront as they passed by beach restaurants and stores along the way.

"Thanks for helping me find a lobster roll truck on Instagram, Piranha," Shark said.

"Eh, I just wish we didn't have to go to this stupid, gentrified waterfront. This place was so much better when it sucked and we never came here," Piranha grumbled.

Shark and Piranha then made it in front of the food truck.

"Well, here's our lobster roll truck," Shark said.

"Uh, hey, guys?" Behind them, a hippie interrupted them, You're cutting in line. It starts back there," he pointed to the back of the line, which was a very very long line, and the end of it was unable to be seen

"What? No! All I wanted was just some decent lobster," Shark whined grumpily.

"You know, Shark, they're right out there, up for grabs," Piranha pointed to the ocean, "We should just go straight to the source."

"What are you even suggesting, Piranha? That we, what, we get a lobster boat and be lobstermen?" Shark asked.

Piranha was seen wearing a grey turtleneck sweater with cobalt blue pants, black shiny boots, and over the sweater was a navy blue ship captain's coat with 4 gold buttons to keep it closed, a gold button on each cuff of the sleeves, the flaps open, exposing a little bit of the turtleneck. On his head was a matching navy blue sailor's cap, "Yeah."


Meanwhile, at the hideout, Hornet sat at the dinner table, calculating the savings that he earned from his job at FasTogether, and hoping he'll use them for something important in the future.

When the elevator opened, Diane came in with Tarantula on her shoulder, laughing together. Diane was carrying a big shopping bag, while Tarantula carried two small ones, and they put the bags on the dinner table.

"Where have you guys been?" Hornet asked when he noticed Tarantula and Diane having a good time and putting the bags in front of him.

"We were just at the mall, stopping by at the nail salon to have our nails painted," Diane answered.

"I don't even have nails, but look at my hands. So shiny," Tarantula showed her mitten hands, and the tips were painted colorfully.

The governess added, "We learned all about painting nailess hands and fingers, and intern trainings, and not to ask how the store stays in business, because the manager gets really defensive."

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