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Luckily for me, it's Pride Month, so, starting with this chapter, the rest of the story was about the LGBTQIA+ representation of the Bad Guys. Pride will be also mentioned in this chapter.

I hope you like this new chapter. Get ready!



Mr. Wolf: Yeah! I'm bad!

Mr. Snake: You're bad!

Ms. Tarantula: He's bad!

Mr. Hornet: She's bad!

Mr. Piranha: We're bad!

Mr. Shark: Who's bad?

The Bad Guys: Yeah!
We're the Bad Guys!


In the Bad Guys' hideout, Webs and Hornet were taking a day off as they sat down on the couch to watch TV. They were watching fun facts about the LGBTQIA+

The TV host asked her special guest, "During this Pride Month, is it difficult with finding love with the opposite sex? You know that this is something you need to clear up as yesterday-"

The guest then answered, "Look, I'm not pointing out any names or certain categories. I agree that loving someone, not the opposite gender, or having a different sex or gender identity can be the same way as being in a straight relationship. There are a lot of things that can come up unexpectedly. However, being in this type of relationship is just not easy. That's just it. It's not. Some people might not even take it well when it's not vital to learning. I mean, we already got a lot of noise from government protests; do we have enough?"

Watching this made Hornet begin to think about himself... about his sexuality. Ever since his sudden feelings for Piranha started to show, things got complicated for Hornet.

Seeing Hornet looking down like that after listening to the TV, Tarantula quickly turned the TV off with the remote, and looked at her friend, "Boy, you don't think you would listen to what the TV said, huh?" But Hornet didn't say anything. His silence has confirmed his answer, "That is flawed."

"I know, Webs, but what if those guys have, in their own stupid way, a point?" Hornet said.

Tarantula gasped, "Shush!"

"I mean, what if there is something wrong with me, Webs?"

"'Cause you're not dating anyone?"

"I'm weirding everyone out! They see me on TV, robbing, stealing, scaring around, and of course, as a member of the Bad Guys, I have a reputation like the rest of you. It's a vivid image.

"Hornet, you are a strong, independent bug. Anybody afraid of you is not worth your time.

"Yeah, maybe, but what if they're right? What if I'll never find anybody?"

"Hey, what about Piranha? You and he are buddies for a while. You two were so close. And you accidentally dated each other online," Tarantula chuckled, recalling the event of Hornet's blind date incident.

"That is because I didn't know my date was him. It's a blind date," Hornet admitted before clarifying, "Look, Piranha and I are just friends. Nothing more."

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