Quit Swan

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Mr. Wolf: Yeah! I'm bad!

Mr. Snake: You're bad!

Ms. Tarantula: He's bad!

Mr. Hornet: She's bad!

Mr. Piranha: We're bad!

Mr. Shark: Who's bad?

The Bad Guys: Yeah!
We're the Bad Guys!


At night, under the bridge of the 6th Street Viaduct, the Bad Guys' car drove into the tunnel where Wolf was driving the car, and Hornet sat on the front seat with his tiny little chair.

"Wolf, you really didn't have to come and get me," Hornet told him.

"You mean, I should've just let you fly home in your pajamas at 2:55 am?" Wolf chuckled.

"No, that would have been dangerous," Hornet answered, "I could've taken the cab."

"Or you could've just stayed at Mira's party until morning," the Bad Guy leader suggested while keep driving towards the elevator.

"That seems kind of crazy, doesn't it? To stay there all night?"

"It's called a sleepover, bug! The terms of the arrangement are right there in the name."

When the car drove inside the elevator, the doors closed, and Wolf and Hornet's conversation continued.

"How am I supposed to sleep over if I can't sleep?" Hornet inquired.

"What was the problem? Bad dreams? Bad vegetarian meals?" Wolf mentioned, wanting to know Hornet's issue with sleeping.

"No... I missed Carrie," the insect answered.

"Carrie the swan?" Wolf recalled Hornet's stuffed animal.

Hornet corrected sarcastically, "No, Carrie the firefighter. Of course, Carrie the swan! She's my bedtime buddy."

When the elevator reached the Bad Guys' hideout, Wolf and Hornet stepped out of the car, and stepped out of the elevator.

"You need to face it. You have a problem. You are a swan-holic," Wolf told him

But Hornet denied that fact, "I am not. Now I'm going upstairs, but that has nothing to do with the fact that Carrie is waiting for me on my bed."

Hornet just stayed there in front of Wolf until he rushed forward, heading to his bedroom, and shut the door.

Wolf rolled his eyes, and mumbled, "I should've just let him take the cab."


The next morning, the Bad Guys were eating breakfast, and Hornet came to join them a little late with a lump at the back of his shirt.

Wolf noticed him, and approached the little flying bug, "Hornet... I think we should talk about the swan problem."

"What problem? There's no problem," Hornet scoffed with a high-pitched voice.

Wolf made Hornet turn around with just his fingers, and found the lump at the back of Hornet's shirt, "I think there might be. You can't sleep without Carrie. And now, she's a stowaway in your shirt," luckily, the stuffed swan was under Hornet's wings, preventing from being damaged.

The Bad Guys season 1: Our Own StoryWhere stories live. Discover now