The Secret (Troubled) Life of Mr. Hornet

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Hi guys! Sorry, it took me a while. I was busy at school, but I got a chance to make the final touch on this chapter. I hope you'll enjoy this because this is a flashback chapter, centralizing Mr. Hornet in one of his troubled pasts before he met the Bad Guys



Mr. Wolf: Yeah! I'm bad!

Mr. Snake: You're bad!

Ms. Tarantula: He's bad!

Mr. Hornet: She's bad!

Mr. Piranha: We're bad!

Mr. Shark: Who's bad?

The Bad Guys: Yeah!
We're the Bad Guys!


4 years ago

It's been months since Hornet was left by his own colony. He was now all alone, all by himself, in his own hive, which would be rotten soon when winter is over. Winter is coming, and the breeze is getting colder. Hornet was still outside the tree of his hive, where he was devastated by the departure of his colony, his supposed nephews and nieces, but they left him. They all left him to die. He stayed on that rock for days, waiting for his end. But he was still alone. Not even predators wanted to eat him. Great! Even predators disliked him. He stayed on the rock, hoping for his colony to return. He thought they just forgot him, and might return to retrieve him.

Weeks passed by, and Winter came. Hornet experienced his first snowflake. When he touched it, it was really cold, and he couldn't handle it as cold as a snowflake. More snowflakes flew down above him. He quickly flew back into the tree where his hive was, and stayed there to keep himself warm.

Hornet curled up into a small ball that fit himself into the comb where he was hatched, hopefully, the comb around him would keep him warm for the winter. While he was inside the comb, he could see the hole of the hive as he could hear the wind from outside and felt the coldness of winter coming. Hornet then suddenly cried as he finally accepted the fact, "What am I even doing here? Why should I keep hoping they will come back?" He started to punch his fist on the walls of his comb, "They'll never come back for me. They hated me. They always do. Why didn't I die yet? I just want to leave this world and die!" Hornet cried harder and louder with a lot of tears bursting out from his eyes, until he eventually fell asleep.

3 months had passed, and Winter started to warm up. The sun began to shine from the clouds, and the light started to slowly melt the snow.

The light of the sun then shined through the hole of the hornets' hive. In the hive, Hornet was still inside his comb. Much to his surprise, because of the warmth of the sun, Hornet woke up from his sleep. His eyes blinked rapidly, and let out a big, long yawn. He didn't know that he was asleep until he realized he was sleeping for three months. He slept throughout the Winter, and yet, he's still alive. That was a miracle. A hornet like him should've died by now. His lifespan was believed to be 3-5 months, but it's been 9-10 months already. How could that be? How did he survive this long, especially through the winter?

"I can't believe it. I survived through the winter!" Hornet exclaimed as he quickly flew out of the hive, and noticed the surroundings that the snow was partially melted. It was still the beginning of the season, "This is Spring," Hornet never thought Spring season would be like this since he was born in Summer. He got a chance to flutter around, and wandered around for sightseeing. He could see the ground sprout all over, the trees began to develop green leaves and small flowers, and the sun's rays became brighter. It was the most amazing thing Hornet had ever seen, "Wow, it's really beautiful," Even with all the beauty of nature showing Hornet some wonders, he still wasn't so happy. "Why don't I feel like it?" Then, he looked back at the tree where his hive was hidden. He stared at it for a moment, and he realized there was no hope that his fellow hornet would come back to get him. He should've known in the beginning his own colony and his queen never liked him, because he was so different. He was too different, he showed a lot of good the most. He was born in a colony of murderous merciless hornets, and he wasn't that kind of hornet. This was why he wasn't loved by his colony. He was abandoned, left behind, and left to die. He was nothing to them. And Hornet... he had nothing left for him in this forest. He would be alone and die alone here if he stays, "That's it! I'm gonna get out of this dump!"

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