A few things

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So first off, I have a new fic, it's called Superfriends, it should be up on my profile thing and u should read it (it's muke of course lmao) it's like a friends with benefits fic and I came up with it listening to superfriends by Zhu and yeah I think you guys should enjoy it so go look at that

I'm also gonna be writing another muke fic soon, with boxer!Luke cause fuck me right now how can I not and I've had the idea of boxer!Luke for ages and just haven't done anything with it, but that one picture u know the one has definitely motivated me, so expect that sometime this month

Also Imma be writing an ot4 fic, because I do quite like some other ships in the 5sos world except muke, and it's gonna be a Michael-centric soulmate au thing and that should be really fun and stuff and hopefully cute I hope you guys love it and that'll be out sometime this month as well if I get my shit together

Last I got tagged by JaydanRay to answer some funky questions and I thought I'd post them here cause why not and I don't think you guys actually know much about me (???) so yeah, hi, learn stuff about me

What are you wearing?

My pyjamas which consist of a dark grey hoodie I've had since year 7 (when I was like, 12) and some average trousers things idk idk

Have you ever been in love?

No, not properly at least (I don't really think Michael would count ya know)


I claim to be 5'3 whenever I get asked this, but I think truthfully I'm more like 5'1 lmao I'm such a liAR


Erm, I haven't weighed myself in years and I honestly have stopped caring about my weight

Have you ever been heart broken?

Nah (I'm the biggest Virgin you'll ever meet, like i haven't had my first kiss or even dated someone so yeah I'm p boring at never have I ever)

Any tattoos?

Not yet, I was having a conversation about tattoos with my mum, and she doesn't seem to like the idea of me getting any (she hates piercings more, but I wanna get a lip and eyebrow piercing someday, so I'm ready to be disowned)

Fave show(s)

Game of thrones, Orange is the new Black, Parks and Recs

Something/someone you miss?

Being young and naïve mostly

Zodiac sign?

Scorpio, but I'm not evil or driven by sex I promISE

fave colour(s)

I love dark purple like a real dark purple basically everything I have is purple like all my folders and my braces and my hair was purple but that's faded now so yeah purple definitely.

Ever been in a physical fight?

Funny story, my friend stole my art book and I had to fight her to get it back like I threw her against walls and shit, but there were no punches more wrestling shit, I think that counts but I've never been in a fist fight

Play any instruments?

I play guitar and for my birthday I want a keyboard piano thingy and w/ my birthday and Christmas money Imma buy a bass guitar because I really wanna play both those instruments though atm I'm actually really shit at guitar lmao

Last time you cried?

Oooh Erm, I cry quite a lot and I think a couple of nights ago just listening to loud music late at night and wayf came on and I cried because I always cry at the song especially since I'll probably nEVER SEE IT LIVE FUCK ME


I think I'm somewhere in the asexual spectrum but I'm not completely sure rn, I have time to work it out though so w/e


Atm I think agender, though I'm really not sure still, my own gender has always confused me, but I don't think I truly identify as a girl. Too bad I go to an all girls school though oops...

Religious views?

I'm atheist in a Christian family so I used to be made to go to church regularly (horse riding gets in the way so I don't anymore) and stuff it kinda sucks but I would be killed by my family if I told them I didn't believe in God so yeah

I'm supposed to tag people here, but I have no friends, so basically if ur reading this and are like, hey, this is funky, i want to do this, you've been tagged by me now, so go ahead. Basically just do this if u want to l8r sk8rs.

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