11. you know what i mean

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"GOOD AFTERNOON, Rydell High!" Angelina quietly says into the microphone, "It's Angie Simcox with a quick announcement before you leave! Please remember to vote for your student class president! Elections are coming up soon! Vote Jane Facciano! That's all my announcements, sorry for your delay in leaving." She quickly mumbles the last part as she turns off the microphone.

Angie rushes out of the office, running right into Gil as she does so.

"Oh my gosh!" She mumbles, "I am so sorry! I really did not mean to—"

"Angie, it's all right," Gil smiles, placing his hand on her shoulder, "Come on, we're gonna go to the Frosty Palace."

"Okay," she smiles, "Have you apologized to Cynthia yet?"

"I called her when I left your house last night," he tells her as he opens the school's door for her, "She accepted it, don't worry."

"Okay, good," Angie smiles, linking her arm with his, "I would've had to find a different way to the Frosty Palace if she hadn't."

Gil laughs, "I liked your announcements today. Very precise. You were a little louder today, too."

"Thank you," she blushes, "That means a lot to me."

She notices no one waiting at his car, "Have the others left already?"

"I guess," Gill shrugs, opening the door for her, "After you."


THE T-BIRDS LAUGH as they play their game at the table beside the Pink Ladies. "QUIET!" Nancy shouts at them, leaning close, "or I'll switch your order to four knuckle sandwiches."

Jane had been telling them about Hazel talking about all the reasons to not have the Fall Ball at debate club. Angelina scoots her chair closer to the isle as she says, "She's not wrong, you know. I don't go to those dances, either."

"Who could?" Gil asks, immediately agreeing with the girl, "Those clubs charge an arm and a leg. And my backseat is free."

Angelina blushes as Olivia rolls her eyes, "I think the word you're looking for is empty."

"Yeah, I don't need to pay to get mistaken for a busboy."
Potato agrees as Gil sits back.

"I got a Mexican mom and a Jewish dad," Shy Guy tells them, "We're not really the chosen people when it comes to a place like that."

"And you got to register a date to go?" Nancy plops down into the empty chair beside Jane, "No, thanks, pop."

"Those dances ain't really for us," Cynthia tells the group,  "So I ain't really for them."

"Oh, no," Jane mumbles, "I'm thinking like a soc."

"She's slow, but she gets there," Nancy laughs.

"What about you?" Jane turns to Richie.

"A school dance?" He laughs, "Nah, never!"

"Would anything make you go?"

Richie leans towards the girl, "Better tunes?"

Johnny Vavoom is heard playing on the Radio so Jane runs over to it and turns it up, "I'm gonna run on a new kind of dance for all the kids who've been missing out and—and skipping out. A dance even Richie Valdovinos would want to go to." Richie laughs, "We just got to get the word out."

"Leave it to me," Olivia tells them, smiling.


THE NEXT DAY at school, the girls devise a plan for Jane to say something about her new dance. Olivia gets Ms. McGee out of the office, just as Angelina is about to speak into her microphone. Jane quickly comes in once the coast is clear.

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