08. he's a dickhead.

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"JANE ," The letter read, "I've always thought of myself as a good guy, but after what you said, I realized I'm not." Buddy wrote, "I've done loads of terrible things. I've cheated on tests, smoked, drank liquor, and, I've never told anyone this, but I'm a perverted sex fiend." The girls gasp, Angelina leaning over to see if it's true.

"I'm addicted to self-abuse," Jane continues reading, "sometimes four times a day."

"You think all that forearm work helps him with football?" Cynthia jokes, Angelina and Olivia make disgusted face as she makes an obscene gesture.

"I'm sorry I lied about us going all the way," Jane ignored the girl's statement, "I know that you haven't. The worst part is that I have: last year with Susie." The girls all gasp once more. "But I regret that because I wasn't in love with her like I— then he crossed out was and wrote, Am in love with you." Jane shows the girls the proof. "Please forgive me. Love, Buddy."

"This is perfect," Olivia says, Angelina nodding in agreement. "We just gotta show everyone this letter."

"This isn't just some nudie mag," Jane points out, "That'd be wrong."

"More wrong than what he did to you?" Cynthia counters, "Come on. He's asking for it."

"What if we blackmailed him instead?" Angelina suggests.

Olivia nods, "Either he drops out of the race, or we expose him for the lying dirtbag he really is."

"The socs are having a party tonight," Nancy tells them.

"I don't know," Jane shakes her head.

"He had the perfect chance to set the record straight in the locker room, but he just left and went into the shower."

"Yeah," Cynthia exclaims, "probably to flog his log!" She shakes a ketchup bottle as she says with Nancy rips out of her hands.

"Oh no!" She places the bottle by Olivia. "Hey!" She exclaims as Angie says, "Ew! Nasty!"

"Oh, I'll get the T-Birds to drive us," Cynthia tells them.

"I could've just asked Gil earlier if you hadn't made me leave him!" Angelina whisper shouts.

"What was that about anyway?" Nancy asks the girl, all eyes except Jane's going onto her as she blushes.

"We ditched detention early and came here, okay?" She defends, "He was about to say something when Olivia dragged me away. But I don't know what."

"He was going to ask you out," Olivia tells her best friend.

"What?!" She shouts, "How'd you mean out?! Like out on a date?"

"Duh!" Olivia laughs at her oblivion, "He likes you! The same way you like him."

"THEN WHY DID YOU DRAG ME AWAY?!" She whispers shouts again.

"This is a little more important, Angie."


STANDING IN FRONT of Dot's house, the unnamed girl gang and T-Birds talk about how they're going to enter. The Simcox siblings standing next to each other, talking about random things, not really listening to the group.

"No," Nathaniel tells his sister, "I already taught you how to drive, I'm not trying again. It almost killed us!"

"But Nath! It's miserable not being able to!" She tells him, "You can't just—"

"Guys, we're going in," Nancy tells them, as though they were spies. They bust open the door, a loud bang resounding through the house. Angelina stands next to Olivia, Gil and Nathaniel behind the two.

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