10. vote for jane!

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THE NEXT MORNING at school, the four girls are called into Ms. McGee's office bright and early. They stand there as she lectures them.

"I've decided that I have too much to do without having to keep an eye on you girls everyday after school," She informs the girls, "so no more detention." The girls all sigh happily as McGee continues, "You are still being punished."

Ms. McGee looks to Cynthia, "Since you showed such a flair for the theatrics yesterday, you're going to join the thespians so you can learn now to act like a lady."

"No way," Cynthia freaks out, "Those kids have their heads so far up their own asses, I'm surprised they can walk straight."

Rolling her eyes, McGee looks to the next girl, "Olivia, you seem to enjoy filing, so I'm making you my office assistant." She points to the stack beside Cynthia, "You can start with those."

"Angelina," McGee begins, "I've noticed your lack of speech and I would like you to help you by you helping me with my morning announcements." Angie nods, fear in her eyes.

McGee looks to Jane on the other side of Angelina as Olivia rubs her back in sympathy, "Jane, I got reports of you roaming the halls yesterday," she pulls something, an orange vest, from her drawer, "so I figured I'd better give you this to do it in."

"A hall monitor?" Jane asks, dropping the vest open, "But everyone in school hates them."

"Good luck courting votes while you're writing tardy slips." She turns to Nancy, "And you. Well, I ran out of jobs, so you will help me out with whatever I need whenever I  need it."

"Can we start with a wardrobe makeover?" Nancy asks, making the other girls stifle their laughter.

"You're dismissed," McGee smiles.

As they walk out, Cynthia notices the bulk of Nancy's bag. "What you got there, a dead body?" She asks.

"No," Nancy smiles, "Even better."

Nancy pulls out each of the girls new Pink Ladies jacket. They're hand made and embroidered with their names and everything.

"I just adore the color pink," Angelina squeals when she puts it on.

"I think that's the loudest I've ever heard her," Cynthia whispers to Jane before the girls enter the school, catching everyone's attention.

Cheering is heard for the girls as they swagger down the halls, a newfound confidence in all of them.

"Hey, dig that!" Potato says as they walk past him, Shy Guy, and Gil. Gil gives Angelina a wink as she walks by, the boys follow them down the hall as they continue their promenade.

They spot Dot slapping the three boys who spiked her punch the night prior, making Angelina smile proudly at the small girl.

"Yeah, and you know what?" Dot says as they pass by. Nancy shoves Richie back when he tries to approach Jane.

The girls exit out the door on the other end of the hallway, big smiles across all of their faces as they make their leave.


"I HOPE YOU KNOW," Angelina looks at her brother, "you're like the only guy I'm not a little irked with right now."

"I'm honored," The school day dragged on and all three of the Simcox siblings are now at the Frosty Palace for milk shakes. "Olivia wanted me to tell you something, last night, after you ran after Cynthia." Angie nods, signaling for him to go on, "She said... Wait i don't remember what she said."

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