Chapter Twenty-Seven

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His nightmare consisted of him waking up like normal, mint surrounding him, his mate and his small dragonet as they slept, the calming scent of it putting him in a good mood.

Across the makeshift tent he saw the scuttle of something small in the foliage.

It's nothing, he thought.

He walked over to a corner which consisted of various fruits, sitting with his wings splayed out to happily chomp down on a watermelon.

Pssswt. Thwawk.

He turned around to see a large scorpion, almost the size of a scavenger, standing proudly across the tent with it's tail raised, neon green poison dripping from the end of it.

He then looked over to see Qibli sobbing.

Feathers.. he looked down to see her tiny body writhing on the floor, blood pouring from her chest, white foam dripping from her small jaw as her eyes screamed, tears of dark purple blood sliding down her face and onto the mint beneath her.

Winter tried to run over to her, but his legs were stuck in place.

He cried for help, no sound came out.

He roared, not a single peep from his snout.

He took a breath, no air entered his lungs.

Yet all the birds outside still sung.

Pssssswt. Twat.

He looked over to see Qibli's eyes gloss over before he too fell, laying on the floor and clutching onto the small dragonet as he too frothed at the mouth, his white eyes becoming bloodshot as his body shook, small pieces of mint flying into the air when he impacted into the ground, fluttering innocently through the tent.

"QIBLI!" He longed to shout, but his feet laid still and his mouth pressed firmly together by an invisible force when he looked down, his scales crusted in between with black blood.

It seeped through the cracks in his scales, pouring from his body like void, then more rifle scorpions appeared from the ground like the dead, circling him like spiders after their catch.

Right as the scorpion who shot down the only two dragons he'd ever loved fired a bullet at him, he woke up.

He gasped, relieved the hideous nightmare ended.

His body was covered in cold sweat, but thankfully Qibli and Feathers didn't seem to notice.

Paranoid, he scanned the tent, specifically the corners, then did a once over of the two dragons beside him.

Everything's fine, paranoid, weak, pathetic idiot.

He stood up to look outside to notice it was still fairly dark, not light enough to be able to see anything, or really, anyone.

Then he realized, maybe that was good.

His mind seemed less foggy the last day, now feeling finally clear as he shook himself off, distracting his thoughts from the gruesome night horror.

The thought of going back to where everything seemed alright made him feel almost sick as he slowly peeled a mango while juice dripped down his talons.

Once upon a time it would've been a dream for everything to feel and seem okay, but after experiencing it, knowing everything was wrong and evil yet not feeling like he could, should, or would be able to do anything felt depressing.

He took a bite of the fruit, sighing to himself before Qibli came up behind the IceWing.

He wrapped a warm wing around him, asking "What's on your mind, love?"

He smiled at the name, "Just going back there. Does your mind feel.. not all cloudy?"

"Yeah, I know something's up there, I'd kind of always felt it, but now after being away I feel like my minds all cleared of something- I dunno though.." he responded, resting his head in the crook of Winter's neck, twining his tail with the other's.

They sat in a peaceful silence, and Winter almost forgot about the nightmare while the frogs, grasshoppers and crickets chirped noisily before the sun rose.

"What are we gonna do with Feathers?" Winter asked.

"We can't exactly take her with us, I feel like that's do more harm than good, obviously." He stated, "But we could find someone in the Rainforest to watch her for a bit.."

His mind flashed back to the dead RainWing as he shuddered, closing his eyes and thinking of someone like Açaí to watch the sweet dragonet.

"No, we can't, it'd take an entire day just to go there and come back, and we'd be more spent than we already are." Winter pointed out.

Although he'd love any more time away from that mountain, he knew he had to get back as soon as possible.

"Okay.. I doubt she'd stay in one spot if we told her to.." Qibli replied.

Winter huffed, his response to a lot of things.

"Maybe we could get some dragons out of there, like Anemone or Tamarin, and if we have to we could do Carnelian if we find her first, if we could talk her into it I'd guess we could trust her to fight back against anyone!" He half joked, but Winter could truly see that happening if they could convince Carnelian to help them.

"Ugh, lets just go, we should be there before its too sunny" Winter leaned heavily into Qibli before he stood up, squeezing his tail reassuringly as he walked over to the satchel that would carry Feathers and the mint.

"Does she seem bigger to you?" Qibli asked, his freckled face lighted by the small bits of moonlight that entered the tent.

"Huh, yeah." She picked her up and remembered how large she was when he first found her, now fully needing both of his paws when before he could balance her nicely on just one.

She purred quietly in her sleep as she settled down in the hammock-y carrier, rolling over onto her back with her wings tucked tightly around her.

"Aww.." Qibli hummed, peeking over at the cute dragonet.

"Okay, lets go!" Winter said, jumping off the ground, his wing pumps sending bits of the vegetation around them flying, looking magical in the scenery.

They were soon flying over mountains, an estimated hour or so until they arrived at Jade Mountain once more.

More crickets and frogs chirped happily among the rocks, the sun now rising and being accompanied by birds.

It was almost poetic, possibly flying towards the biggest threat they'd ever face in their life, but the calm and peaceful landscape and sounds made it almost not seem as such.

So with a steady wingbeat, a loving dragon behind him, a small dragonet at his chest, and almost certain doom, they set off into the sunrise towards the school.

A/N: Heyyy sorry short chapter, I entered another MAP! I'm doing PMV and not AMV(P is picture, A is animated) this time, so it'll turn out drastically better or drastically worse LOL

I thought yall deserved an extra chapter, plus my statistics are going down so I thought we could boost em XD


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