Chapter Eighteen

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He tried his best to not cough while the dragon entered the room, and thankfully he succeeded, otherwise that would be a very awkward conversation if they'd come in to see them both cuddling in a closet.

A small click sounded from outside, and Winter assumed the door was locked.

He knew he should be concerned.

He knew he should get out and try and unlock the door, or find a way to get out of the room.

But he felt oddly at peace.

Oddly safe, like everything would be okay if they just played along.

So, he did.

He just brushed it off, smiling and Qibli while his attempt failed, choking as more blue blood drizzled down the corners of his mouth.

Qibli quickly used a talon to gently stroke the liquid away, embracing Winter even tighter as they sat in comfortable silence.

It had probably been fifteen minutes before someone started banging on the door with all their might, yelling "IS ANYONE IN THERE?!"

Winter jumped, and Qibli got up out of the closet to see who it was.

"Princess Anemone?" Qibli called politely, walking over and unlocking the door from the inside, because apparently the door locked both inside and out.

She burst in as soon as the door was open, obvious distress in her eyes as she hurriedly explained their hypothesis, which was more of a jumble of questions and guesses.

"Woah- can you- um- maybe repeat that in a less confusing way..?" Qibli asked hesitantly, obviously not taking it seriously.

"Guys, I'm serious! We need to get everyone who thinks that the fire was just plain weird and- you know what, if you don't believe it, be my guest!" She hissed, "You'll just die in the fire next time for all I care!"

She started to turn around and stomp off, but Winter unexpectedly ran up and stopped her.

What's gotten into me? His mind questioned, knowing he would never do that, much more so to a royal.

"I- I believe you, but I don't understand," He said desperately, and this time it seemed Qibli may be considering it now based off his expression.

Anemone explained again, but slower this time, and it made a bit more sense to Winter.

He was literally just experimented on with brams of light, black stuff causing incredible pain and possibly death, then healed, then simply let go. And he was barely phased.

But he was more confused than worried, because he knew he should be scared, but he just simply wasn't.

Two words.



There wasn't any other emotion there, any emotion that evoked him to actually want to do anything.

In his mind, he knew he needed to. He knew these things weren't natural. He knew that whatever was happening needed to be stopped.

But, he just wasn't all that worried about it.

He didn't feel a need to do anything, really.

Nothing seemed important.

Except for Qibli.

Qibli would always be important.

But all of his senses just seemed... Dulled?

Especially dulled to the fact that, there was a dragon right outside the window- no, not only a dragon. A scavenger.


He'd made it all the way to the Sky Kingdom to find Peril, in hopes she knew what the fire was caused by, and why it didn't damage anything besides that one room.

He'd found her, and after a very confusing explanation, a bewildered Queen, and some begging, they were on their way back to Jade Mountain.

It had taken an entire day's flight just to get there, and Clay was still tired, so it would probably take slightly longer.

Two days passed.

Two days and almost the full morning at this point.

He sighed, knowing that he'd been taking way too long on just going to and back from the Sky Kingdom.

"You okay, Clay?" Peril asked, her blazing heat from her firescales very clear this close.

"Yeah- it's just, I dunno, I felt like this wasn't very important, ya know?" He stuttered, "I-I mean, I just feel like I didnt have a real motivation to do any of this, but now that we're on our way back, and while I was at the palace, I just felt this odd urge, a need to do something.." He trailed off, silence setting between them.

Peril after a moment made a thinking hum, her wingbeats steady and rhythmatic as she flew on, obviously trying to go slower for the tired MudWing slightly behind her.

"It seems weird. I really hope we don't have another prophecy or anything, or an Animus by the three moons!" She laughed, looking back and smiling at Clay.

I hope not.

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