Chapter Nineteen

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His senses seemed dulled, because somehow, he missed the dragon with a scavenger on it's back.

He continued to listen and ask questions with Anemone, until she decided that they needed to warn more people.

Winter's chest was still bleeding light and dried blood crusted his jaw, so he and Qibli decided to run to the medical room to get more bandages, because the IceWing for some reason stole all of his, plus most of the healing medicines and herbs.

As they ran, Winter began to feel more and more light headed as the blood flow continued.

Don't pass out, don't pass out, He thought frantically, I'm already pulling this down, no need to pull it down more.

They were only a hallway away before he stopped suddenly, tripping over himself as he gasped.

Qibli ran back, crouching beside him and using the most comforting warm wing to wrap around the IceWing.

"I'm fine-" He choked on some more blood, two small sapphire blue drops falling down the front of his down-turned head.

"I-" He tried to speak but Qibli hushed him with a small kiss, quickly silencing the IceWing.

He stood beside him, hoiting him up as they ran again through the hallway, Winter finding a new strength with the stupid sand snorter beside him.

They made it in and Winter was left at the door as Qibli rummaged through the cabinets, again no medic dragon in sight.

The black across his healing scales stung more and more by the second, the oxygen it was exposed to seemingly irritating it.

Qibli ran back with gauze, a bit of the grosser pain medicine, and some white water looking thing in a jar.

"Will we get it trouble for this?" Winter asked as he took the things out of the SandWings hands, wiping away the few drips of blood that were left behind.

"No, I mean, if the medic isn't here to help us, we might as well help ourselves," He said seriously, sitting down as he lightly traced a claw over his chest.

He hissed lightly as he only barely grazed the edge of the black, and Qibli jumped back in fear.

Winter gritted his teeth, "Sorry- it just hurts there.." He apologized, sitting down as he puffed his chest slightly out for Qibli to see.

"No, no, it's fine!" He reassured, sitting back right in his seat as he twined together their barbed and spiked tails.

He continued to trace the rest of the area, carefully avoiding the black until he decided it was fine and put the white liquid on the gauze.

"What's that?" Winter asked, hoping he would stop choking up blood soon as he was starting to feel more and more light headed.

"It's some more antibacterial stuff, seems to come from the SkyWings because it smells like their herbs," He sniffed it, nodding his head as he continued applying it to the gauze.

He put an adequate amount and cautiously put it into Winter's scales, the burning feeling instant, a sizzling deep in his body as he hissed and retracted from it.

"Ah, sorry, I forgot to say that this stuff burns more, they don't have all the stuff in the desert that makes it not sting as much," He apologized, pulling it back as Winter settled back and sank his serrated claws into the light grey carpet set below them.

This time he was prepared as Qibli gently and slowly placed the gauze back onto his chest, wrapping it tightly.

It burned, a lot, but he could handle it, especially when he thought about how painful the 'experiments' or whatever they were was.

"Alright, done," Qibli smiled, and right before he ran off he stopped the SandWing, suddenly remembering why he had to find him.

He was going to literally die in five days.

He explained the very unspecific instructions of Icicle and the entire time Qibli had his brow furrowed, a growl deep in his chest lowly rumbling every time the name of her was spoken.

"So.. it's somewhere in the entire Rainforest..?" He said hesitantly, subconsciously grabbing Winter's talons in his own.

"I guess.." Winter mumbled, more of the metallic taste rising in his throat.

He snapped his jaw shut, willing the blue liquid to not fall any more, no more time to waste as he held his wings high and angled himself to jump out the nearest window.

"Wait!" Qibli said last minute, running up and using his own leathered wing to block the exit.

Winter just glared where he had his eyes positioned before, where he could see the very very very top of a tree, specifically one of the ones from where they needed to be.

"Shouldn't we warn someone? Or, just tell them we're leaving?" Qibli asked, and Winter finally just focused on the calming scent and temperature from the SandWing.

"No, we need to go no-" He cut himself off, his reasonable thinking flickering back in his mind. "Actually, I'm sorry," He leaned into the other, "Yes, we should."

He sighed, folding his wings back and looking at the nearest clock and saw classes let out in ten minutes.

We really just skipped, He thought, We're at school, and I think we've been to a total of one class.

"Anemone said she's be with Tamarin in their shared cave, so we should go run there now." He said, running in the direction where most of the sleeping caves were.

Winter followed, panting after only a minute as he held his sore leg up.

It was swollen slightly now, but he could worry about that later.

Right now, he had to worry about keeping up with Qibli and how they were ever going to save him in that whole forest.

- Kinkajou -

She sat and watched the sad, sad sight of Winter, her wingmate, getting basically tortured. The stupid switch of her cursed brain finally being flipped when she connected the dots and realized an Animus was in that room.

Only a few moments later the chains dropped from the IceWing, leaving him basically unbound besides for the hanging mouth wrap still on and the tail band.

He went and limped, looking in pain as Icicle followed.

She jerked again, and this time a large flinch and the correct limb moved.

She tried again, and again, and again, until her body was just shaking while her tail thrashed.

Until a sharp snap sounded from the room where the either extremely tiny dragon was or the very large sloth stayed.

Then she had full control of f her body, her limbs moved correctly, her talons moved at her well, her voice was her own and she yelped "YES!"

The three other IceWings snapped their heads in her direction after very blatantly trying to make it look like they were not trying to stare at her, though they obviously were.

She jumped up and ran out of the door, though her clawmate Winter was no where to be seen.

The ringing of the gong still rang through the tunnels, meaning that it had just recently went off.

She looked over at the clock and saw it was barely a minute from when she entered the room, and knew right away that either her mind was playing tricks on her or that the Animus had used more magic, maybe something that made it so that room made all time around it stop once certain dragons were in it.

Something in her said Oh! It's class time, better go to math! While a separate, and sometimes reasonable or smart part said that was crazy! Tell someone! Do something! RUN?!

She decided that it'd be much easier and less risky to just run to her math class, so that's what she did.

She stayed silent, ran to class on time, and the poor concerned Moon looked over to her and she simply nodded, saying Moon! Moon! Moon! I'm me again!

So, class proceeded like any other normal day, and within moments Kinkajou forgot about that entire incident, only a faint outline if a memory left in its place.

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