Chapter Six

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They walked around the corner and..

A high pitch voice greeted them, yelling "HI!!"

"Gah." Winter snarled, immediately frowning and going off to a corner, hunching over and tightening his wings and tail around himself.

Qibli instead smiled and replied, "Hello! Is this the Jade Winglet meeting room?" He asked as he scanned the room, already having four theories on how to escape if there was any emergency and twelve things to reply with after what the RainWing said.

"Yes!!" She said, hopping back over to her seat of large, soft leaves by a NightWing, who was also sitting on the same material.

As he was looking around the room, he saw a SkyWing and SeaWing in the middle spots of the room, and the MudWing named Sora sat on the other side of the NightWing.

"Hello," His step-sister, Sunny greeted, "Qibli, we have a pillow in that corner over there." She said, flicking her barb-less tail to a side of the room, where a large, soft pillow sat.

He went over and grabbed it in his hand, grabbing what he assumed was Winter's seat too.

It was a cold, hard, white rubber mat with snowflakes covering the surface, and Qibli felt bad for him.

Everyone else had something soft or fluffy to sit on, and Winter just had a cold mat.

Winter was glaring around the room, his eyes rapidly turning from him, to the door, to Sunny, and across all of the other dragonets every few seconds.

As Qibli sat down, placing his pillow on the ground, he slid the sad seat to Winter and he simply put it under his front claws, digging them into it.

"So!" Sunny started, smiling at the entire room of dragons, "We will just introduce ourselves today, no school learning! Sora, you may start." She said kindly, giving a soft nod to the MudWing sitting on a chicken-feather pillow.

"Uh, hi! I'm Sora, like you already said, and uh," she glanced around the room anxiously, "I'm Clay's sister, he's our Bigwings, so I look up to him, after my other brother, Reed, though he isn't- sorry, I'm rambling," She mumbled off, twiddling her inner claws together.

"Thank you! Moon?" Sunny asked.

The NightWing spoke up, and Qibli had to admit, she was very pretty, but not his type.

"I'm M-MoonWatcher, but everyone just calls me Moon, I-" she hesitated for a moment, "I grew u-up in the rainforest instead of the volcano."

Winter snapped his head in the NightWing's direction, his claws sinking even further in the mat.

Qibli had noticed most of the NightWing's he'd seen had gained weight quickly(he was taught about the NightWings condition after the volcano), but they were filling out a bit unevenly, a torso being a bit too thin, a neck being a bit thick, etc.

But Moon looked perfect, or like exactly how a dragon should look.

Qibli had expected Winter to make some snarky remark because of the look on his face, but instead kept silent and just continued to shred the poor rubber.

"Good!" Sunny reassured after a moment of silence, "Kinkajou?"

"Hi! Hi hi! I'm Kinkajou! My beeeeessstttt friend everrr is MOON! You justtt met her? Remember?! Also my other best friends are Queen Glory and Tamarin and Jambu and Turtle and EVERYONE!" She exclaimed, seemingly hundreds of colors flashing across her scales as she rambled.

Winter growled lowly when Sunny went on, thanking Kinkajou, and asking Turtle to go next.

He shrunk down a bit, looking as if he wanted to be anywhere except here, but continued anyway.

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