Chapter Twenty-Five

207 4 37

TW: Death


The RainWing in front of them screamed in agony as she collapsed to the ground, white foam coming from her mouth as she writhed in the tall grass.

Her eyes turned glossy and her colors faded white as an IceWing, then a scorpion walked triumphantly away from her body.

"ANOTHER ONE- GET BACK." Qibli roared, staring terror eyed at the small creature as fire sparked from his mouth.

Winter quickly scooped up Feather, much easier than before without the splint he had grown accustomed to.

She continued snoring, unaffected by the yells and shouts of the others.

He flew into a tree, mostly out of sight by Qibli, though he could see him just fine in the foliage.

He ferociously fought the small thing, and like he said, small needles with green venom dripping from them shot from it's tail towards Qibli, though he dodged them with such expertise it made him look like a ninja.

When he finally took the final blow on it, small flames licked the entire area and Winter hurriedly went down to use his frost breath, which only came out in small spurts due to the hot and moist climate he'd been living in for days.

He panted lightly, front legs spread wide as misty cold drifted from his mouth, glancing around the area in search for more.

"Th-There'll be more right?" The sudden lightness he felt only moments ago was lost, happiness gone minutes after achieving it, like normal.

"Usually- yeah," He was still alert, looking around, though he seemed more recovered, the fire coming more natural than ice.

He looked over to Feathers who was sleeping in between Qibli's wings, then panned over to the gruesome looking RainWing.

He nearly puked looking at the dead dragon, immediately looking away to take Feathers to a safe tree.

Qibli looked around further, but it didn't seem he found any as he came up to the tree to sit with them, looking away from the white RainWing.

"So.. that's what happens when they shoot you?" Winter finally asked.

"Yeah, but it killed her a lot faster than it normally would've if the needle bits hit you, it can leave you in agony for hours sometimes. The tail kills fast though, as you could see only seconds.." He frowned, looking in the distance.

Tears welled in the IceWing's eyes.

That was a life lost. Gone forever. He'd grown softer being with Qibli, but he'd always felt a tiny bit of remorse for dragons he left dead or dying on the battlefield he was forced to be in.

He dug his claws into the tree and blinked his eyes rapidly, not allowing the water to slide down his cheeks and show more weakness than he already did, though he knew there'd be no punishment for it like at home.

The old habits that had been forced — painfully — onto him his entire life didn't stop due to a week or two of being treated well or even his mind knowing he was safe, the usual cold and walled IceWing wouldn't quickly disappear at all times.

Feathers stirred in his talons, a quiet purr coming lightly in her chest as she shuffled around, peeking her eyes open slightly to look at Qibli and Winter.

Her eyes trailed down, somehow knowing where the RainWing was and wincing, tears welling in her eyes as she stood up.

Her wings opened slowly as her neck arched in preperation to fly, but Winter quickly held her tight to his chest.

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