102 4 2

Ahsoka: Do you know a turtles only weakness?

Anakin: No... well, their slowness.

Ahsoka: Their weaknesss is they can't roll over when they are on their backs.

Ahsoka: Now I have a plan.

Ahsoka: If I duct tape two turtles together, they'll be unstoppable.

Anakin: *chokes on something*

Ahsoka: Jeez, Anakin, don't die on us.

Anakin: Don't tell me what to do, I'll die whenever the hell I want!

Anakin: ARE YOU-

Ahsoka: kriffing


Ahsoka: kriffing

Anakin: IDIOT!

Rex: .... what was that?

Ahsoka: Obi wan banned Anakin from swearing so I'm helping him out

Ahsoka, pointing to the wall: what colour is this?

Obi wan: grey

Rex: grey

Cody: grey

Ahsoka, turning to Anakin: now tell them what colour you think it is

Anakin: dark white

maul in the phantom menace: *has two lines*
maul in literally everything else: *will not shut up*

Ahsoka: [sharpens knife] We've got ways of making people talk
Ahsoka: [cuts piece of cake]
Maul: ...can I have some?
Ahsoka: cake is for talkers

anakin: there's nothing you can say that can hurt me
Obi wan: there is, anakin sandwalker
anakin: stOP HURTING ME

Barriss: I wish I had the ability to make boys really nervous

Ahsoka: holding a really sharp knife to their neck usually does it for me

Anakin: This is horrible! This is the most humiliating thing to ever happen to me!

Obi wan: Even more humiliating than-

Anakin: Let's not do this

Anakin: wait here
Ahsoka: yes, you go down the dark hallway alone and I'll wait here in the dark room alone

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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